Saturday?s letters: Hold Alberta Tories to insulin-pump promise

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
My son is a Type 1 diabetic. Type 1 diabetes is a very serious condition in which islet cells in the pancreas turn off and no insulin is produced by the body.

We need insulin to convert the carbohydrates in the food we eat. So Type 1 diabetics must inject insulin many times a day to break down the carbs.

They must also test their blood four to six times a day (or more), checking blood sugar levels to determine the amount of insulin needed after meals, snacks and exercise.

Imagine a four-year-old child faced with this every day of his life, then imagine not having coverage for the supplies your child needs. These include insulin, pen needles, lancets, syringes, test strips and glucose meters, which are costly.

Alberta health care does cover insulin but not the delivery system. We are the only province in the country that does not offer this coverage to Type 1 diabetics.
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