Sanofi?s Lantus Doubled Cancer Risk in Study of Diabetics

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Sanofi?s Lantus, the world?s top- selling insulin with $4.7 billion in annual revenue, more than doubled the risk of developing cancer among people with diabetes, researchers said.

Diabetics who used Lantus had a 2.9-fold greater chance of cancer, while those who took the generic drug metformin had an 8 percent lower risk, according to the study presented yesterday at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. Researchers examined medical records of 23,266 patients in southern Sweden.

But read the full article to discover that other studies have shown no link, so a misleading headline :(
I have googled about this before and found the same sort of consensus. I don't necessarily trust the manufacturer (anyone who promotes the autopen24 can't be for real 🙄) but by now there would have been bans somewhere if it was conclusive.

ANother reason to look at pumping perhaps 🙂

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