sandwich for tea would this be ok

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
sorry for asking more questions, but could someone tell me if it would be ok to have 2 ham sandwiches for tea tonight along with my tablet or would i have to have something more than that for the tablet to work. i havent got much appitite today as my tummy been abit funny after starting metformin. i had breakfast this morning but nothing since only a coffee, my levels 10min ago were 7.4
sorry again for all the questions xxx
When you are advised to take a tablet with food, a sandwich or two is perfectly adequate. In fact, if you ever feel you can't eat and need to take a tablet, then a cup of milk will do. Lots of people do experience some tummy problems when starting metformin, but if they continue for more than a couple of weeks, then report back to your GP, as there are other formulations that might help.
thanks very much copepod, that has reasured me. i was just afraid incase the tablet this evening would make my tummy worse if i didnt eat properly.
thanks again x
Can't add to the advice, but want to say please ask as many questions as you like. In helping yourself, you are helping the rest of us. We are all different and all have different solutions to problems, sometimes other peoples solutions are helpful new ideas to try!
Wholemeal bread is better than white bread. Are you still taking one tablet a day?
Ask away anytime Tracey = sounds as if you're doing fine on the medication with regard to your levels but if it upsets your tummy then tell your surgery and they can give you the slow release form (which I am on) and the upsets go away. The reason they don't give you that one first off is because Metformin doesn't upset everybody (but very often it seems !) and the slow release lot are dearer for the Dr to prescribe.

Good luck.🙂
Can't add to the advice, but want to say please ask as many questions as you like. In helping yourself, you are helping the rest of us. We are all different and all have different solutions to problems, sometimes other peoples solutions are helpful new ideas to try!

thanks caroline. im glad i have somewere to go to ask questions, i have so much more to learn about everything, and if my asking questions helps others aswel then then thats great 🙂
Wholemeal bread is better than white bread. Are you still taking one tablet a day?

hi cococola. ive started taken the tablet in the evenings now aswel, tonite will be my third night. had a bad day yesterday with an upser tummy but realy im not feeling to bad on it. i bought wheatgrem bread yesterday each slice has 9.7g of carbs, sugar 0.8g, not sure if thats ok but it tastes ok. x
Ask away anytime Tracey = sounds as if you're doing fine on the medication with regard to your levels but if it upsets your tummy then tell your surgery and they can give you the slow release form (which I am on) and the upsets go away. The reason they don't give you that one first off is because Metformin doesn't upset everybody (but very often it seems !) and the slow release lot are dearer for the Dr to prescribe.

Good luck.🙂

thanks vince, im not feeling to bad on the metformin so far, i will see how the next week goes as ive only started taking my second tab for 3 nights. had a bad day yesterday but today hasnt been to bad fingers crossed x
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