Samsung Galaxy Watch 6

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Is it possible to display readings from the Libre 3 on a Samsung Galaxy 6 smartwatch?
It should be possible, yes. If I were trying to do this I'd be using Juggluco (and/or XDrip+):

It appears from a quick read that Juggluco can talk to the sensors, the question then is whether you just want to display the data which is read by your phone, or you want to dispense with the phone completely and use the watch to both collect the CGM data and display it.

For the latter there's a list here:

There are quite probably other options (XDrip+ docs are pretty old and I think you'd be better asking in their gitter chat channel or the Discussion section on GitHub):

I'm sure others will chip in with more thoughts, do let us know how you get on.
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