Salt = high BP! Doh!

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've been a bit stupid, I think. I've mentioned before that I have high blood pressure which doesn't seem to be responding to a four-fold increase in my BP medication dose. Well, it occured to me today that for several months I have been merrily munching my way through a 100g packet of dry roasted peanuts a day. They stop me from wanting sweet things, don't have many carbs and have the right kind of fat in them. Today though, it hit me that they also have quite a bit of salt in them, so I checked the packet - 3.4g per 100g/packet. This is over half the recommended dalily amount (6g). I don't add salt to anything else I eat, but am aware that it is present in most things these days.

So, I wonder if I am having too much salt that is causing my BP to go high? Aaagh! I need my DR peanuts! 😱
could try switching to monkey nuts ..plain peanuts in shells ...takes a while to open them so you dont eat so many 🙄?
Well they wont be helping.

Dont forget that there is 'hidden' salt in lots of other things like chocolate, fizzy drinks, margarine, butter, cheese and many other things - so you could be having more than your daily requirement and then having the nuts on top. Try eating salt-free nuts or dried fruit (although you will need insulin for these of course).🙂Bev
Unfortunately, it is the savoury flavouring on the nuts that I like! Going to try and wean myself off them. I've got some sesame seed crispbreads that I'm going to try instead - only 5g carbs each and virtually salt free!
im not sure of salt content in the cheese nairn oatcakes but they are well yummy ...nicer than chedders ....other nuts like walnuts are good for the ole cholesterol apparently as well....its surprising how quickly the palette will adjust ...
try roasting your own monkey nuts - they taste really nice :D
I got a tasty mixed bag of nuts from M+S - it had cashews, pistachios, macadamias, almonds, brazils... all unsalted. I found I didn't get bored of them as there was so much variety.
To add to the suggestion of roasting your own nuts, if you want to add some flavour try adding a few herbs instead of salt. If any one has a recipe for peanut butter, that may also be a way forwards?
Do you know peanuts are bad for cholesterol levels? Other nuts are good, peanuts are bad.

So, double whammy for you.

Try a mixed bag as suggested - obviously doesn't have the coating you love but - well, erm, tough!!!

Do you know peanuts are bad for cholesterol levels? Other nuts are good, peanuts are bad.

So, double whammy for you.

Try a mixed bag as suggested - obviously doesn't have the coating you love but - well, erm, tough!!!


Peanuts are good, surely? They have the 'right' kind of fat in them - mono and polyunsaturated, rather than saturated:

I've been eating them for the past couple of years (i.e. since diagnosis) and my cholesterol levels have alsways been good 🙂
Controversy...........who has the answer???
Controversy...........who has the answer???

Answer's in the article I quoted 🙂 And many other sources. I'm trying to remember, but can't - I'm sure there is a type of nut that isn't good for you. I think walnuts are supposed to be the best of the lot!
brazils ??? not good when you get a bad one ...yuk!!
Sainsbury's crunchy peanut butter is really good, although the dietician says that I should use a low fat version, and much lower salt than salted or DR nuts.

Has to be said, peanuts are one of my favourite snacks, along with olives
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