Salk Institute Researchers Create Imaginary Meal in a Pill

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Researchers have developed a new weight loss pill that actually tricks the body into thinking it has consumed a meal’s-worth of calories, which then motivates the metabolism to begin burning, hopefully, fat.

This new “miracle” pill is called fexaramine and it has been shown to effectively stop weight gain as well assist in controlling blood sugar and even reduce inflammation in mice, and with minimal side effects, according to the study conducted at the Salk Institute.
The body's first response is in the INTESTINE?

Oh - so is Percy Potter dead then?

Him that 'runs across the lawn every Monday evening' ?

(Ptyalin, Pepsin, Rennin, Amylase, Trypsin (or is it Trypase?) Erepsin, Maltase, Enterokinase - the enzymes in the human digestive system, according to the O Level syllabus in 1966 - the first one(s) of these is (are) contained in saliva !)

Mind you if it doesn't trick the body till it gets lower down, perhaps it doesn't trigger the insulin response - but I'd want to be reassured about that, wouldn't you?
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