Sainsbury's to roll out ?40 healthy living programme

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Sainsbury's has set out plans to introduce its experimental healthy living programme into all of its in-store pharmacies, following the success of a trial last year.

The supermarket plans to build on its Wells Challenge, in which pharmacists offered 10 families with the surname Wells healthy living advice and health checks for a year.

Sainsbury's is rolling out the initiative, which will cost customers ?40 to take part, to 30 of its pharmacies this month. The supermarket aims to extend it to all of its 279 pharmacies by the summer, it announced today (March 14).

The pilot will involve pharmacists holding three 45-minute sessions with customers over a three-month period. Pharmacists will offer dietary and healthy living advice, as well as a variety of tests including cholesterol, diabetes and blood pressure, in a programme that will be tailored to individual patients.

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Maybe the pharmacists should give Sainsbury's advice on reducing the amount of sugar in their items for sale instead, would benefit more people and would cost ?40.
It would be good if they had a compatition. Tesco giving Duk a few bob this year. Come on Asda & Morrisons 🙂
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