'Safeguard our NHS' in trade deal

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Most voters in key battleground constituencies want to see the NHS safeguarded from a new trade deal which campaigners claim threatens privatisation of health services, according to a new survey.

More than two-thirds opposed the inclusion of the NHS in negotiations over the Transatlatic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) , a poll of more than 2,600 adults in 13 marginal Conservative constituencies for the Unite union showed .

Opponents claim the trade deal is being negotiated behind closed doors of the European Commission between EU bureaucrats and delegates from the United States.

The Government denies any deal will lead to the privatisation of the NHS, saying it would create jobs.


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TTIP: UK Government Confirms NHS Exemption Amid Public Backlash

The British government has told IBTimes UK that it has "no intention" of including the NHS in any free trade agreement between the European Union and the United States.

The remarks come in response to a poll which found that the majority of voters in marginal electorate constituencies want the government to exclude the National Health Service (NHS) from ongoing discussion around the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).

The survey, organised by the trade union Unite and conducted by Survation, found that 68% of voters in 13 "battleground" seats would rather that the health service was off the TTIP agenda.

The British government has the opportunity to use a veto to exempt any public services from the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), a fact confirmed to IBTimes UK by the EU's Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht in a recent interview.

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