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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
I just tucked Alex into bed and gave him a hug etc and he said to me that he knew that although I say to him that diabetes wont hold him back - he knows that it does sometimes and that he knows that his 2 older sisters had a lot more freedom than he ever will etc. He also told me that he wants to drink when he is 18 but he doesnt want to worry me so he will start drinking at 1am so that I wont need to do the 3am check and he wont die....
He's such a caring boy, Bev! I'm sure I said similar things to my Mum when I was his age, although obviously about other stuff! It is sad, but I think he is already a stronger character because of it and I just know he will go on to help many other people in life. 🙂
I've not been around long enough to know anything about your situation Bev but reading that tugged on the heartstrings. (((bev)))
Oh bev! Big hugs. Alex is such a sweet kid (I'm sure he'll love me for saying that!) but really, he is. He is beyond his years!

I honestly believe, and live with the mantra, that having type 1 may make some things difficult - but almost everything can be done with a bit of extra planning. Drinking for example - yep, you have to think about a few extra things (insulin to cover carbs? snack before sleeping? setting an extra alarm to test just in case?) but it can be done.

Are you going to FFL this year?
Oh bev! Big hugs. Alex is such a sweet kid (I'm sure he'll love me for saying that!) but really, he is. He is beyond his years!

I honestly believe, and live with the mantra, that having type 1 may make some things difficult - but almost everything can be done with a bit of extra planning. Drinking for example - yep, you have to think about a few extra things (insulin to cover carbs? snack before sleeping? setting an extra alarm to test just in case?) but it can be done.

Are you going to FFL this year?

Yes Shiv we are and I am really looking forward to it as I have heard many positive things about it all and given the fact that Alex is 12 I think he will benefit so much from it all🙂Bev
Bev hope you are okay.

Obviously we all look at things differently etc.

Tell Alex that it's not just diabetes, older sisters will always get away with more! Also the drink thing it can be done I know I wasn't diabetic when I started on the drink, but it can be done, and it can be enjoyed, not to excess. Actually I have just had a half serious conversation about drink!

take care of yourself and the boy wonder Alex (and he you)

Rossi 🙂
Hi Bev

J has only been diagnosed a few months but my moments of sadness always centre around will this hold him back but this week I have had some real encouragments.

A friend's son who is diabetic is having a wonderful time... he phoned her from the top of Snowdon ( she had to restrain herself from asking if he had his hypo treatment just in case!!) and he has a great job abroad.

My husband also had a chat with a colleague today at work who has been diabetic since he has been 13 and although he was honest that it is hard work at times he has travelled round the world, lived on his own and really had a great time at university!

I have moments of sadness like you ( I have them quite a lot at the moment!) but stories like this do encourage me.

take care and as a mum too this comment would make me feel sad too...I think it's great he can talk to you about it x
bless him bev and also bless you hunny... the thing is through all your support and hard work ...alex will continue to be able make informed choices about his lifestyle in the future xxx have a lovely holiday x🙂
oh bev your alex is such a sweetie! And big kudos to you too!

You tell him from me that it doesn't stop you from doing what you want to do! Hey, I'm an archaeologist, it's never stopped me from doing that.

He's such a strong kid and I know he'll go far in life. You have a lot to be proud of there!
Well you know what I think of you and Alex and Hannah. I love you all and I think we have become very close friends over the last year or so. I think Alex has one smart head on young shoulders and I don't think he will allow diabetes to hold him back.

All things can be achieved it just takes more planning and preparation thats all.

Chin up and give me a ring soon, I miss your calls. xx
Hi Bev,

I come somewhat late to the thread but he's something of a young lad. Quite the character and he will be stronger for this diabetes fun. I know it's done things for me I wouldn't have expected. The only thing diabetes has stopped me from doing is joing the army. That's about it. If I have my way I'll change that soon. I'm going to FFL too. My care team is also going. My DSN and I will be the sad beggers trying to get autographs out of Gary Scheiner!

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My DSN and I will be the sad beggers trying to get autographs out of Gary Scheiner!


I'm there in the queue with my copy of 'Think Like a Pancreas' firmly clutched! I'm sure Tom you mocked your team when you mentioned they want autographs?!
Oh yes I did mock but that's because they are colleagues haha. I need to maintain some creditability with them!
Didn't know you were going Tom, fantastic, get to meet you at last. And your team are going. Interesting. I may have to speak to them about the appalling paediatric team. 🙂
Bev - you can reassure Alex that he will be able to drink alcohol before 1am, as by the time he's old enough, he'll be able to see his watch / mobile phone alarm so he can check his own blood sugar at 3am. Or just not drink enough to need an extra check - I never have to test myself during the night, just reduce night time basal and have a biscuit before bed, plus normal precautions of always having sweets within grabbing range of wherever I'm sleeping - bed / tent / between folding seats in a theatre balcony (on a recent adventure race) etc. I'm sure he'll have worked out how to manage his pump by legal drinking age
It's always a good excuse for a kebab or something chip related after a night out...
3am check after a night out drinking?? Never going to happen 🙂
Not sure we should worry Alex's Mum about that, though....
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