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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
My late mums late best friend had twin boys. One of the twins just been at my front door. His brother passed away Tuesday due to a heart attack and it is thought his type 2 brought it on. He was only 55 and such a nice guy. It has given me quite a shock and fright being type 2. Their mum died in the same circumstances.
So sorry to hear of the loss of your friend.
Sadly we all have to go one day, sooner or later and the best we can do is look after our health as best we can whilst enjoying life. There are many younger people who die every day due to accidents and terminal diseases. As diabetics, we do at least have the power in our hands to do things to improve our health and personally I am far slimmer and fitter and healthier now than I was pre diagnosis, as I have taken it as the kick up the backside I needed to get my act into gear. I hope you can find similar positive motivation to improve your health and lifestyle.

On a positive note, I went to visit my 100yr old uncle last night. He is still living independently on his own having lost my aunt 10 years ago. He misses her desperately but never lets it get him down too much. He is deaf as a post 🙄 but his mind is as sharp as a needle and he is optimistically planning his next decade. He had us in fits of laughter last night with some of the things he came out with, which were so witty and pertinent. He has not had an easy life, was in africa during the latter part of the war in the RAF and suffered several very severe accidents working for the Electricity Board working on overhead cables, which could easily have killed him and most recently a fall at 91 when he completely broke his hip late at night and had to crawl to the door to let paramedics in and underwent major reconstructive surgery which took months of being laid up and then physio and now has one leg much shorter than the other. He walks with a Zimmer frame but somehow he still manages to do all his own housework, including cleaning and cooking and the place is spotless. His family live down country so he doesn't have much immediate support or regular visits but he has really good neighbours. He truly is an inspiration. If he finds he can't manage something, he sits and figures out a way in which he can still do it. He even cuts his own hair.... with a razor blade apparently!! 😱 He is amazing!
My late mums late best friend had twin boys. One of the twins just been at my front door. His brother passed away Tuesday due to a heart attack and it is thought his type 2 brought it on. He was only 55 and such a nice guy. It has given me quite a shock and fright being type 2. Their mum died in the same circumstances.
So sorry to hear this. My condolences. Nick
Sorry to hear this @rosalindb

It can be very unsettling to hear of a loss so close to home, especially where you have a shared condition.

Sincere condolences.
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