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Ryvita Crispbread

Depends how many you have. A typical slice of bread is 15-20g carbs whereas a single ryvita is about 6g carbs so if you are having a single ryvita instead of a slice of bread then it is 3 times less carbs so of course it will have less impact on your BG levels. If you find that 3 ryvita has less impact than a typical slice of bread, so comparable amounts of carbs, then it may be down to it containing more fibre.
I find I can eat 3 or 4 ryvita for lunch with cheese and it doesn't send my blood glucose high like 2 slices of seeded bread would.
Cheese choices are a nice cheddar or brie or cream cheese. Sometime I add a little pickled veg. Not missing sandwiches all that much, but I do love toast. I just ration myself now.
I don’t have a BG meter as managed to go into remission using the diet method. I find if I have bread even low sugar bread I get stomach pain and feel like going to sleep almost immediately. I will try the Ryvita with cheese and see what happens.
I don’t really want to buy the Keto low carb foods as they are so expensive.