Russia Airport Security

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I am fulfilling a lifelong ambition and visiting Moscow next weekend. I am looking for a card for me to show at Airport Security to explain the pump and the reason why it can't go through the scanner. Does anyone know where I could find such a thing? e.g. a download?
Even if I knew Russian, my laptop doesn't have the appropriate keyboard (but I don't anyway!) ;>)
T1 1980 Accuchek Combo pump and Apidra.
I am fulfilling a lifelong ambition and visiting Moscow next weekend. I am looking for a card for me to show at Airport Security to explain the pump and the reason why it can't go through the scanner. Does anyone know where I could find such a thing? e.g. a download?
Even if I knew Russian, my laptop doesn't have the appropriate keyboard (but I don't anyway!) ;>)
T1 1980 Accuchek Combo pump and Apidra.

Nothing like leaving things a bit late is there? 🙄:D
Have you considered ringing your pump company and asking their advice?
We have had a information sheet from Medtronic in various languages when we have been abroad, but we have never needed to produce it - explaining was enough and showing the pump, they had seen a few before us. However, perhaps Russia is not as mainstream as Europe - worth getting something to take with you. Try your pump website or give them a bell 🙂
Definitely ring Roche, they have all sorts of stuff you never know about LOL
Definaltely ring Roche then scan into the computer and hit google translate
My DSN at the hospital provides this type of information to show at airports. See if yours does too. 🙂
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