Runing on low readings.

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
The last few days I've been having readings of between 4.7 and 5.7 I feel fine. Buy when it comes to meal times how much insoline should I take. I've been taking 8 mol and after a meal it reads 10 ot 11 and after 2 hours it Down to 7 and then levels off at mostly 5.7. I don't think I'm eating enuff protein? Thanks iñ anticipation if replies.
The figures that you have shared seem to show that you have got things spot on. It is inevitable that our levels rise after a meal, and the insulin we inspect takes a bit of time to get going, and then stays active for 3 or 4 hours. Your levels were back to where you started after that time.

You ask how much insulin you need. This depends on the amount of carbs you eat. Are you on a basal/bolus regime, injecting a basal (background) insulin to deal with the insulin that your liver delivers to keep your body going, and a bolus (quick acting) insulin which is injected each time you eat. This is the most flexible system as it means that you can learn to adjust the amount of bolus insulin to match whatever you want to eat. I know that you will have other limitations as you are Type 3c (I will tag a couple of others who will be able to give more specific advice for 3c : @eggyg and @Proud to be erratic )

Have you been taught to carb count? If so your team will be able to help you to work out how much insulin you need for each meal. This varies for each of us, and changes over time.
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Thanks SB2015 my basal is Lantis and my bolus is Novarapid also 4 Metformin a day My dietitian says my diet is good but at the time my readings were 6 & 6.8. When I was in hospital the metformin was added as my glucose levels wouldn't come down . My consultant says I'm type 3c coursed by cancer and treatment with type 1 symptoms, but confusing isn't it. X
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