Run out of insulin

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1

I am. About to have a late lunch. I'm. Supposed to take 5 units of Novorapid but just realised I only have 2 units left which I've administered. Is that a huge problem? Blood sugar is 6.1
Totally run out? You’d need an emergency prescription then. For your lunch, I’d eat enough carbs for the 2 units you’ve injected @FieldD88
Totally run out? You’d need an emergency prescription then. For your lunch, I’d eat enough carbs for the 2 units you’ve injected @FieldD88
No not totally. I have more at home but am out atm. A sandwich with garlic sausage, coleslaw and cucumber. That OK you reckon?
No not totally. I have more at home but am out atm. A sandwich with garlic sausage, coleslaw and cucumber. That OK you reckon?

Ok, then I’d eat enough carbs to cover the 2 units and fill up on veg/salad and protein. That might mean leaving part of the bread. What did you estimate the carbs as and what’s your ratio?
I’ve just seen that you’re very recently diagnosed @FieldD88 I’m guessing you’re on fixed amounts of Novorapid and haven’t been shown how to count carbs and adjust your mealtime insulin yet. In that case, you can either think of similar meals you’ve eaten and what your blood sugar was afterwards (ie how did your 5 units work for you) and then, depending on that answer, eat a certain proportion of your lunch carbs; or you can eat the whole lunch but be prepared to be high. I’d go for the first option in your situation. I’d also test extra to see how things are going.

It’s good to get into a routine of checking your diabetic stuff before you go out. It’s so easy to grab stuff and assume it’s ok. I made exactly the same mistake as you with my pen many years ago - grabbed it off the kitchen top but only realised it was almost empty when I got to my lunch venue. I’ve also tapped my bag to make sure I could feel the glucose tablets - only to find it wasn’t a full packet of Dextro, it was an asthma inhaler! So, it’s easily done. Now I always take a few extra seconds to look at everything: visually verify my glucose, look in my pen case to check it has insulin and spare needles, check I still have snacks in my bag rather than assuming, etc etc.

I hope you still enjoy your lunch.

I am. About to have a late lunch. I'm. Supposed to take 5 units of Novorapid but just realised I only have 2 units left which I've administered. Is that a huge problem? Blood sugar is 6.1
I’d change my lunch to something that needed 2u if that’s all I had left. So long as you have basal left you’ll be safe but will need to avoid carbs until you have more novorapid. If you know your lunch is normally okay with 5u but you’ve only got 2u then you’ll have to eat just under half of the carbs and leave the rest, or if eating it all have a walk after to use up some of the carbs
Hello @FieldD88 ,

For another day obviously, consider replacing your disposable pen(s) for reusable pens. These take replacement cartridges which are smaller and lighter to carry around with you at all times, rather than carrying a replacement pen. Reusable pens are also better in several ways: better for the environment - less plastic and packaging waste; the reserve cartridges take less space in your fridge; the pens can also dispense 1/2 units of insulin (giving you better possibility of fine tuning your doses to the requirement; and reusable pens have a simple memory device to tell you what size and when your last dose was - for when you suddenly question yourself "did I actually take that dose, or just think about it".
I’ve just seen that you’re very recently diagnosed @FieldD88 I’m guessing you’re on fixed amounts of Novorapid and haven’t been shown how to count carbs and adjust your mealtime insulin yet. In that case, you can either think of similar meals you’ve eaten and what your blood sugar was afterwards (ie how did your 5 units work for you) and then, depending on that answer, eat a certain proportion of your lunch carbs; or you can eat the whole lunch but be prepared to be high. I’d go for the first option in your situation. I’d also test extra to see how things are going.

It’s good to get into a routine of checking your diabetic stuff before you go out. It’s so easy to grab stuff and assume it’s ok. I made exactly the same mistake as you with my pen many years ago - grabbed it off the kitchen top but only realised it was almost empty when I got to my lunch venue. I’ve also tapped my bag to make sure I could feel the glucose tablets - only to find it wasn’t a full packet of Dextro, it was an asthma inhaler! So, it’s easily done. Now I always take a few extra seconds to look at everything: visually verify my glucose, look in my pen case to check it has insulin and spare needles, check I still have snacks in my bag rather than assuming, etc etc.

I hope you still enjoy your lunch.

Thanks for the response. Correct, very recently diagnosed and still to figure it out properly, I asked the dietician and diabetes nurses and the response i got was "let your body get used to insulin and we can delve into carb counting later on"

Thanks for the response. Correct, very recently diagnosed and still to figure it out properly, I asked the dietician and diabetes nurses and the response i got was "let your body get used to insulin and we can delve into carb counting later on"

I can’t think of a polite response to that comment from the HCPs! It’s actually easier to get used to the insulin if you carb count. It always used to be taught at diagnosis, but now some areas seem to think it’s too difficult when, in fact, the basics are simple. You can start getting the hang of it now by noting the carbs in your meals to give you an idea of how many carbs your set dose covers 🙂

Also, here are some useful links:

And an online diabetes course that covers carb counting:

Even if you don’t do it yet, learning the basics will make it much easier when you do.
Oooops. We have all done things like this.

As others have said learning the carb counts of foods will help you as your team will no doubt soon (I hope although just read their response to your suggesting that !!!!!) work with you to find an appropriate ratio to use. This makes life more flexible. Keep pushing for this.

Keep in touch and let us know how you get on.
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