Rubbish day!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi All

Had a really shit day yesterday only did 2 injections all day and my god did i feel it last night i was so moody last night it was un believable it sounds silly but days like yesterday really knock my confidence at actually being able to sort my self out.

sorry for having a moan just had to get it off my chest. and at times like this support is something i crave.

Hi All

Had a really shit day yesterday only did 2 injections all day and my god did i feel it last night i was so moody last night it was un believable it sounds silly but days like yesterday really knock my confidence at actually being able to sort my self out.

sorry for having a moan just had to get it off my chest. and at times like this support is something i crave.


Hi Stu , I hope you have a better day today babe, we all get days /weeks like that , you are defo not alone there. I get quite a few black moods when i just think sod diabetes and go crazy 😱 We are all here and if you need to chat / moan feel free !! someone is always around ( im always online ) so if you need to talk its not a problem !! if you have msn .yahoo , facey lots of us are on there too , feel free to add me .
hi stu hope your feeling better 2day x like addict says we get the ups and the downs if u pardon the pun , we just gotta deal wit it best we can xx
Hi Stu,

I moved your post to a new thread, as more people may see it in the general messageboard. Sorry to hear that you had a bad day, but don't beat yourself up about it - you can't change it now, so better to look to the future! Hope today goes much better for you!🙂
Hi Stu
Sorry you had a bad day yesterday, hope you have a better one today
We all have em, it's good to get it off your chest & have a good old moan🙂
Hi Stu

I hope that you are beginning to feel better. Days like this will happen and there is absolutely nothing wrong with feeling fed up from time to time. I think that Bev's poem is great and so true. Please take care and let us know how you are.
Hi Stu, sorry to hear you had such a bad day. We all get them sometimes. It helpds to come here and post as there is usually someone who will be able to help, and there are lots of shoulders to cry on.

If it is any consolation, I have tonsilitis and laryngitis, so I can't speak very much. For me this is bad, but the rest of the family are having a brilliant time!

I hope you are feeling better. Don't beat yourself up for having a bad day.
Sorry to hear you are having a bad time at the moment. Just wondering if you know any diabetics in 'real life'? There may be a 3D group near you (a group for 18-30 diabetics) that you could get support from.

One thing that really helped me in the past is not to think of days in whole days. You can start again at any point. I used to start the day with good intentions, then think that once I'd done something 'bad' or something had gone wrong, then that was it for the day, that day was a write off and would wait for tomorrow to start again. But thinking that I could end the day doing the right things, or making improvements really helped. Not sure if I explained it too well or if thats useful at all.
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This is sort of similar to sofaraway. I used to stat the day with a lits of jobs I had to do. At the end of the day I'd be very angry with myself because I hadn't done everything.

Now I start the day with a balnk sheet of paper and list down everything I've done.

One day my list read
gave Matthew good morning hug and kiss
helped matthew get dressed
gave Matthew breakfast
played with Matthew
gave Matthew lunch
hugged Matthew
washed up while Matthew was having afternoon nap
helped Matthew have dinner
read with Matthew
hugged matthew some more
helped Matthew get ready for bed

the very last thing on my list was made another special person feel specail and happy. I hadn't done muchelse, but I knew I had made a difference to the way another person felt that day and I went to sleep happy.
Sorry to hear you are having a bad time at the moment. Just wondering if you know any diabetics in 'real life'? There may be a 3D group near you (a group for 18-30 diabetics) that you could get support from.

One thing that really helped me in the past is not to think of days in whole days. You can start again at any point. I used to start the day with good intentions, then think that once I'd done something 'bad' or something had gone wrong, then that was it for the day, that day was a write off and would wait for tomorrow to start again. But thinking that I could end the day doing the right things, or making improvements really helped. Not sure if I explained it too well or if thats useful at all.

Thanks Nikki - so true and well explained, its taken me a long time to think in this way! Hope it helps you too Stuart and things are a bit better today.
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