rtCGM with Libre2 and insulin on board

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Up to now I've been using the reader to scan my Libre and have just started the rtCGM with Librelink and Gwatch which has a widget to display BG on my phone's home screen. Everything is working great and I really like being able to see my readings without scanning. My only problem is I really depended on the insulin on board figure displayed by the reader. The app doesn't do this. Quite honestly I'm lost without it. I know the amounts and times l injected insulin are displayed on the Librelink main screen but I find it difficult to calculate just how much is left on board. Any ideas? What do other people do? I'd really appreciate any advice.
I had no idea that LibreLink calculated IOB and I certainly didn't know the reader does which is my main device. I have never noticed that feature in 3 years of using it.
I have always just kept a rough tally in my head, but maybe it is easier for me with being low carb.
I had no idea that LibreLink calculated IOB and I certainly didn't know the reader does which is my main device. I have never noticed that feature in 3 years of using it.
I have always just kept a rough tally in my head, but maybe it is easier for me with being low carb.

If you go into settings on the reader and click on professional options you can set on iob there. The code is CAA1C. The iob icon looks like a gingerbread man and he will be displayed bottom right of the check glucose screen. You tap on it to get the amount of iob. Such a shame the app doesn't do this.
If you go into settings on the reader and click on professional options you can set on iob there. The code is CAA1C. The iob icon looks like a gingerbread man and he will be displayed bottom right of the check glucose screen. You tap on it to get the amount of iob. Such a shame the app doesn't do this.
Thanks. I am sure that will help others reading this and I love that it is denoted as a gingerbread man! Can't see me using it myself as my current system works well for me, plus I might give the gingerbread man a heart attack with some of the insulin/correction stacking I use 😱 Works for me though!

It does seem to be a real oversight that such a feature has not been incorporated into the app though.
I can't help specifically but I agree, seeing IoB (in XDrip+ in my case) is really useful, as is CoB. I find these useful when insulin stacking, which is what I do all day. I don't have them displayed on my watch either (Garmin in this case) but would find it useful, so it's another thing on my todo list.

If I were you I'd drop the developer a line and see if they are willing to support adding it, you're obviously not going to be the only one. One thing to think about is how the data could usefully be presented which might be a useful thing to share with the dev.

Out if interest is there a web page somewhere describing the setup? I'm interested to know how the data comes from Librelink - is it now part of the official app and there's a bridge listening app that runs and talks to the watch?

P.S. It would be useful, I'd have though, to maintain either a list of URLs or a set of pages with descriptions within this forum dedicated to how to setup and debug systems such as this.
I can't help specifically but I agree, seeing IoB (in XDrip+ in my case) is really useful, as is CoB. I find these useful when insulin stacking, which is what I do all day. I don't have them displayed on my watch either (Garmin in this case) but would find it useful, so it's another thing on my todo list.

If I were you I'd drop the developer a line and see if they are willing to support adding it, you're obviously not going to be the only one. One thing to think about is how the data could usefully be presented which might be a useful thing to share with the dev.

Out if interest is there a web page somewhere describing the setup? I'm interested to know how the data comes from Librelink - is it now part of the official app and there's a bridge listening app that runs and talks to the watch?

P.S. It would be useful, I'd have though, to maintain either a list of URLs or a set of pages with descriptions within this forum dedicated to how to setup and debug systems such as this.
Are you on Facebook? There's a useful group called Libre Geeks that might interest you. People seem to be quite techy and there's lots of advice about using bridges between Librelink and say a watch. That's where I got the tip about GWatch and getting its widget on my phone's home screen so I can see BG at a glance without opening the Librelink app.
I will email Abbott about maybe providing the iob on the app. I can't be the only one who feels lost without it. I do quite a lot of corrections during the day and there's no way my head could keep track of them all.
My comment was really that it's much easier to use a set of instructions rather than needing to post a question - certainly for standard setup and FAQs. I will have a look online and see if I can find any documentation on the Intent I assume is broadcast from the Librelink app.

Are you sure the issue is with the Intent broadcast by Librelink (lacking the data) rather than with the bridge app/watch display?

Are you using LibreLinkUp? This looks like it operates by grabbing the data from the server rather than via an Intent broadcast by the app on the device, which is a shame (the latter would allow apps to use the data more easily)
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