Rosiglitazone (Avandia)

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Thanks for link. All kinds of information is useful.
I've just been reading the article on Aunty. This is fairly typical of the rather cavalier way our government and health services treat people - what we don't know won't hurt us! It may be that this stuff is safe when properly prescribed but how many doctors do we know who actually take the time to read up on the drugs they hand out? I know Dr Idiot didn't, not ever. New Doc does thank heavens.
Least one forgets there is also a strong link with osteoporosis. One article suggested that hip fractures increased by aa factor of 7 for women of late middle age and above taking this drug!
Just seen it on the bbc news. I am now really worried my dad has been on it for years, and recently had is dose increased to the maximum. He has high
bp, and is also obese so I am wondering how much pressure is on his heart? Will tell him to watch the programme tonight.
I remember in 2002 when I was on holiday in Canada there was a lot on the news over there about the use of Rosiglitazone.. I remember thinking I hope my Dr doesn't put me on that drug, thankfully she didn't.

Before I was put onto insulin (Feb 2008) I was on Avandia for 3-4 years, so I will watch the programme tonight with interest

I think, there is perhaps, a lot of hooha about this - but I will keep an open mind until I see the prog tonight.
Panorama at 8.30pm tonight on BBC1 is listed in my TV guide as being about this drug - unless they change the schedule as they often do. Might be worth a look though.
Just watched Panorama.

I don't know very much about treatments for Type 2. However, I'm struggling to understand why a medicine which increases cholesterol and can contribute to weight gain would be prescribed to a diabetic.

However, would like to point out that I think the media are far too often guilty of scare-mongering.

Either way, I have no respect for GSK. They have a poor track record with their reaction to alleged side effects of drugs, and seem to me to be immoral and unethical.

Capitalism at its worst - but we won't get into my views on that!
I don't know very much about treatments for Type 2. However, I'm struggling to understand why a medicine which increases cholesterol and can contribute to weight gain would be prescribed to a diabetic.

My thoughts exactly 🙄
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