Roll on 9th May

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just back from hospital appointment, Dietician says my carb counting is spot on so DSN said I can have a pump. Getting hooked up on 9th May but I've been allowed to bring the pump home to get aquainted with it.

It's like Christmas except this is the most expensive toy I've ever been given. Bit nevous about opening the box as I am quite clumsy and worry that I will somehow break it just by looking at it. :D
It is a Paradigm Veo MiniMed. It's purple, When my DSN was telling me the different colours i was thinking I should play it cool does it really matter what colour my pump is I'm an adult, but when she asked which one I wanted I thought to hell with that i'm not having a boring one I don't care how childish it is I want a purple one. 😉
It is a Paradigm Veo MiniMed. It's purple, When my DSN was telling me the different colours i was thinking I should play it cool does it really matter what colour my pump is I'm an adult, but when she asked which one I wanted I thought to hell with that i'm not having a boring one I don't care how childish it is I want a purple one. 😉

LOL, totally agree, its going to be your best friend for a long time, you may as well dress it up nicely...........

Well done and good luck..........😉
Great news Amanda happy pumping 🙂
Brillient news...

You've got to play, as to breaking it they are pretty sturdy things you know I actually dropped mine on the first day right in front of the pump nurse and rep😱

I've got a boring black Roche Combi, but I have got it in a bright blue cover/case :D
I've got a combo. I've got some really great stickers to jazz it up. They fit the exact shape of the pump and look great.
Hi Angela,

How exciting.🙂It is a good idea to have a 'play' with all the buttons as it will take the fear away and you should feel more comfortable when you go 'live'. You know where we are when you start, so dont be shy to ask any questions. Alex has the same pump - but in the silver/clear and he thinks its great.🙂Bev
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