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I thought that labelling product as suitable for diabetics was no longer allowed, and hasn't been for several years.

Well if they tried to get any major supermarket chain to stock it, then they'd get a great big NO. However, I've not seen any rock for sale in any supermarket chain at UK holiday resorts - certainly not in Tesco's at Skegness or Statham, Morrison's at Blackpool or Asda at Hull anyway.

But I doubt very much whether they'd even try. I have never liked it much at all even as a little kid anyway - so have deliberately shunned it and bought something entirely different for our grandchildren if I felt they'd ever expect anything - such as eg toy Light Sabres from Walsall Illuminations - cos they sold them there outside the park gardens where that event had been held ever since I was little so we took grandson and his younger sis cos i thought they'd like it and they did. Daughter said the other day she'd had to ask Tim (now aged about 25) after he finally moved out, having bought a new house of their own with his (now long term) partner, whether he still wanted it, cos she was now going to blitz his (their) bedroom at her house and had just found that he'd kept it ever since he was little!

You also have to remember that you are a savvy T2 ......
That was a really sweet (no pun intended) and thoughtful thing she did!

Yes it might not always be a great option but the thought was lovely 🙂
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