Roche seem to be having trouble

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
roche have always been so good , but has anyone else found that just lately you can only get very limited supplies , according to them so many people are being put on the insight pump they can only give out limited supplies , since I've been on insight pump I haven't been able to go back on the 3 monthly automated order because they can't guarantee I will get complete order , they will only give a limited number of cannulas and now I'm starting to build up a back order where they are out of stock of certain items , because they have a lot of people due to start .today I rang up for new carrier for insight pump out of stock so that's now been added to back order for link assist that I asked for months ago .Whilst it is good news that's lots of people are getting pumps , why are they not making sure they are ordering enough for people currently on pumps ? Is anyone else having trouble
Yes I've found this too. I couldn't get my usual number of cannulas a while ago and now I can't get the cap you put on top of the battery. Their answer to that was that I could use each cap for 6 months. And they won't keep them on order for me and say I've got to keep phoning to find out when they've got them! My first complaint about Roche though.
I didn't even know you could replace the cap! I only used about 3 all the time I had my Combo though - cos I thought perhaps I should being as they go on about it - I don't understand why they think they wear out? how can they when it's not a moving part?
I didn't even know you could replace the cap! I only used about 3 all the time I had my Combo though - cos I thought perhaps I should being as they go on about it - I don't understand why they think they wear out? how can they when it's not a moving part?
It's to do with the waterproofing TW - you replace them before the seal wears out! Judging by how many they give you order the battery packs, they expect you to change the battery and cartridge end caps every second battery change. Which works out about every 6 months for us!
Waterproofing?? Neither of mine have ever got wet!

The Insight batteries don't last anywhere near as long as the Combo ones. Every few weeks (well - every 6 or 7) it's telling you to do it.
No ours has never got wet either (famous last words!...) and you aren't supposed to go swimming with it on, but if you did somehow manage to accidentally fall into a canal or similar expanse of water fully clothed, I think the pump should be ok as long as you got out again quickly!
It's to do with the waterproofing TW - you replace them before the seal wears out! Judging by how many they give you order the battery packs, they expect you to change the battery and cartridge end caps every second battery change. Which works out about every 6 months for us!
When I first looked into pumping, I saw the price Roche charged £46 for their service pack so can understand why they like people to change things on a regular bases if this is still the case. daylight robbery springs to mind.

Same as I refuse to have batteries for my pump from Animas, they are charging my CCG £4/battery Which is almost 3 times what I can buy them for from the internet or high street stores.
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