Rise of the diabulemics: The diabetic women jeopardising their health

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Women with diabetes are risking their health by skipping their medication in order to lose weight.
People with Type 1 diabetes are required to inject themselves with insulin, because they do not produce it in the pancreas.
But this can cause weight gain, especially in recently diagnosed diabetics who often lose weight before their condition is detected.
Now, experts are warning that young women between 15-30 years old are foregoing the vital jabs to prevent this, a condition known as 'diabulemia'.
?A symptom of undiagnosed type 1 diabetes is weight loss - but once that person goes onto insulin they put on weight, and that can be hard to handle,? says Cathy Moulton, clinical adviser at Diabetes UK.


Not just women, of course, men can be affected as with all eating disorders :(
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