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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So, my basal test the other night prooved I was hypoing in the night, so I lowered my basals by a smidge between 12-3

except now I'm still in the OMG 6 IS TOO LOW TO SLEEP ON HAVE FOOOOD. And then I wake at 3am to an 11,12,13 and correct it - only to wake with perfect levels. Except this morning cuz I had that high last night, changed my set cuz of bubbles and hypoed anyway in the night and woke at 10 - blech.

So next test saturday night, It is in the calendar ready and matt has been told NOT A HUGE CARBY DINNER OR A LATE ONE on saturday night. I need to get out of that whole too low to go to bed mentality :/ I bet if I didn't eat/drink anything then I'd wake up with better levels. But maybe there are other times in the night where things are still slightly off.

However, the past four days I've been waking up with 6's and 7's whch was awesome 🙂 But that goes to proove I *still* have during the day basal issues which I *thought* I'd solved, as it seems lunch time my sugars like to just rise...and rise...and rise...it's utter madness 😱 But I'll do that test next week when I'm on one of my 9-5 shifts 🙂
reading this back it doesn't make very much sense :confused:
🙂No it doesn't make much sense Sam, think you got a bit too excited.

I understand the 'can't go to bed when you are only 6.0'. That takes courage to change the way you think. On injections anything under 9.0 at 11 pm was no good for Jessica, she would just be in hypo city during the early hours.

When she started pumping, you have to retrain your brain in all things diabetes. Going to bed at 6.0 is just lovely. You can get to the point where going to bed at 6.0 and having the basals set ok even to wipe out that dawn pheneneneneoenememenen 🙂 thingy that you wake up 5.0 ish.

6.0 is a great number to go to sleep on, try it. Next basal testing, no pasta, rice or anything like that. Best bet is meat and two veg, plain old food.

Yep, not an easy one getting used to the 'yes you can go to bed on a 6'

Eating a bit of protien can often help with it, I used to eat a piece of cheese wrapped in ham etc, protien does turn into glucose (about 50% or so of it) but because it does it at a very slow rate it has a mimimal impact on the BG.. Any impact won't shoot level up giving a bit of a security blanket...

Any chance that you can borrow a CGM from clinic for a week or so, so that you can get an idea of the trends?
cgm has been refused too many times for me to even bother trying any more :(

thanks for the infor re the cheese pre bed, might give that a go 🙂
Remember though not on the night you doing a basal test though...

I know that a lot of DSN's will class protien as a 'free' food it's not really it does have a slight impact on the bg over a period of time!

I find that with any high proten meals, I have to add in my case about 0.3 units to the tail split of my dual wave..
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