Right now I hate my pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
After a year and a half, I'm at the stage where I want to smush it into tiny pieces. I've had multiple cannula failures these past few weeks and thus terruble blood sugars. Plus what with all the stress I've been having with visiting the doctors every couple of weeks to keep an eye on my BP, protein & kidneys and also this bladder rubbish that's going on, my levels have been horrific. And I mean horrific.

At least I've been hypoing less (silver lining? No...)

I feel so scratchy and irritated all the time and whilst they're not *always* mega high, I very rarely see numbers below 8 at the moment. This is even with TBR's on of 150% plus.

Part of me is wondering whether it could be absorption issues and I posted on my fb this morning about how many pumpers use their arms. Truth is guys, I'm scared to use my arms cuz there's not much to them and I don't know how I'd put one in on my own.

I feel like I did when the doctor said I had anxiety. Part of me is thinking I wasn't ready to come off the pills because even though my D was going swimmingly for a while its all gone pear shaped again. I've been basal testing until numbers come out of my ear but whatever changes I make just don't seem to work. I am at my wits end, but I don't want to bother the guys at BDEC with it because I'm seeing them in a few weeks anyway.

I honestly feel like I've come face to face with a brick wall, and smashed my face into it multiple times.
Very sorry to hear that you are having so many problems Sam :( It does sound as though you need to talk to someone who understands so I would think the best thing would be to contact your DSN. You need help now, not in a few weeks. Have you considered taking a break and trying MDI for a while? Although I know you had problems with that (hence the pump!), it might give you a bit of breathing space having a simpler way of administering your insulin.

Sorry I can't be of more help, but I'm lost when it comes to pumps! I hope things settle for you soon.
Hi Sam

Sorry things are so rubbish for you right now. I agree with Alan give your team a ring they are there to help you - and they wouldn't want you to be struggling for 4 weeks.

You will not be bothering them.

Look after yourself {{{{SAM}}}}
Hi Sam - your situation sounds horrible, so I hope that you can get some help from your pump team. Just the weekend to get through now, of course, but you can do it.
I know it sounds quite simple but is your skin in good shape ie dry etc. When you get cold & other alements your body starts to dehidrate. (80% water). When bg is high you get thirsty ! I have been on pump for more than 2yrs & think its a very good opption. Try some moisture type cream & your skin should at least feel better. Good luck & keep in touch 😎
Hi Sam , ive just posted a similar post , i know how you feel i have had my pump 14 months and whilst i know its still the better option i have good and bad days ,Sorry to hear you having a bad time and i hope things start to improve soon. I have never used my arms as i have lumps from injecting there in my younger days i have tried my legs but couldnt get on with them .I think you should contact the people you are seeing in a couple of weeks im sure they wouldnt want you suffering in silence or being upset .
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