Right - next hurdle - cholesterol

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So had my diabetes check up today.

Diagnosed in February
HBA1C was 69.
Iron level was 3.
Weighed 17st 7lbs! That one hurt!

Was put onto Metformin twice a day, then upped it to 3 times a day after a week.
Lowered my carbs, cut most the sugar from diet, changed to free drinks, still had the occassional treat, increased water intake etc.

Bloods redone end of March.

Todays appointment
HBA1C is 46.
Iron Level wasnt told
Weight - 16st 7lbs.

Bad Cholesterol though is now my issue and is currently sat at 4.9 when it should be about 2.
So my question is - how can I lower it?
The nurse said I can go on a low dose statin, or I can have 3 months to try and lower myself it myself, retest and then go on pills if its not coming down. So I am trying that.

I already dont eat sweets/chocolate etc. or very rarely at all
Dont eat pastries/pies etc
Have low fat natural yoghurt
Use an olive oil based spread and cooking oil if I use it at all.
Dont really eat many eggs.
So I think I will be looking at eating a good quality lean meat as Im wondering if that will make a difference.
Saturated fats shot mine up.
I just avoid them mostly when I can.
Cholesterol levels are pretty dynamic and if you hadn't water fasted for 12-14 hours before the bloods were taken your result is likely to be fairly meaningless. Especially if you are still losing weight.
Are you worried about your LDL level?
I presume that is what you mean by "bad cholesterol".
Well if they are happy for you to wait another 3 months to test again why not take opportunity, if cholesterol is still high start on a statin.

Statins have been around long time now & most be one of the most researched drugs around, consensus amongst medical proffesion is they are safe & very effective in lowering bad cholesterol & thus reducing cardiovascular risks.
Cholesterol levels are pretty dynamic and if you hadn't water fasted for 12-14 hours before the bloods were taken your result is likely to be fairly meaningless. Especially if you are still losing weight.
Are you worried about your LDL level?
I presume that is what you mean by "bad cholesterol".

You can lower them by fasting overnight, but it's a fairly constant amount, and allowed for in a none fasting test.
Everything else takes around three months to change by diet and settle down.
Unless you have studies showing the day to day large changes?
That would be an interesting study.
Not sure where you have got the 2 from but the normal suggested level is below 5 for somebody with normal health but below 4 for those in the high risk group which being diabetic is.
If you are following a low carb dietary regime then many have found that their cholesterol reduces anyway.

From 1960?
5 students physically experimented on 63 years ago?
I wouldn't even trust their measurement techniques.
Its completely meaningless.
That's not even legal now either.

The study even disagrees with it's own results.

"Diurnal variations in serum cholesterol have been studied by several investigators. The majority reported little change,"
"patients with coronary arteriosclerosis is inconstant and fluctuates widely in contrast to normal persons in whom the level is relatively stable"
Not sure where you have got the 2 from but the normal suggested level is below 5 for somebody with normal health but below 4 for those in the high risk group which being diabetic is.
If you are following a low carb dietary regime then many have found that their cholesterol reduces anyway.

2 is the healthy LDL level.
Hi @WelshRoo - well done on the great results! And in such a short time frame. 🙂
Here’s the advice I was given to lower my cholesterol (with my added notes).
Taking a statin was what really made a difference for me tho. It lowered my LDL / bad cholesterol.
Keep up the great work! 🙂 You’re doing really well.
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