Right foot puffy

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Had diabetes for 9 years and haven't looked after myself for many of them and suffering the effects of neglect or self harm some might say also running alongside depression and trying to end it all 4 months back.

Anyway right foot is puffy and swollen and I haven't been walking on it much at all trying to get hold of docters is a nightmare but seeing podiatry tomorrow is there any simple ways to help reduce it until its looked at?
Welcome @dalebyrne88 Sorry to hear you’re having problems with your foot. It’s good you’re seeing podiatry tomorrow. Is your foot red at all? Is there any tiny wound on or near your foot? Is it painful? I’d be tempted to give your GP surgery a call and see if you can get some advice just to make sure it’s not anything that needs immediate attention.
My advice would be keep it raised as much as possile when sitting and exercise. That can be clenching and unclenching your toes or flexing your ankle or tapping to feet to music whilst you are sitting.... anything which stimulates blood flow as the blood can help to remove toxins and fluid. Obviously keeping your diabetes as well managed as you can now will help longer term.
Let us know what the podiatrist says and hopefully they will make an urgent referral for you if they feel that is necessary or be able to offer treatment suggestions if it is nothing sinister.
Is is both feet and how long has it been like that for, if not long could it be an insect bite in which case antihistamines may help, you could ask your pharmacy.
Otherwise keep elevated, apply ice ( wrap in something) and hopefully the podiatrist will spot the problem.
Update to this after seeing 3 different podiatrists with foot being swollen checked temperatures found slightly different but was nit concerned 4th podiatrist took photos and spoke to docters about this suspect charcot foot.

So tomorrow see sensor podiatrist and awaiting urgent mri scan and gonna be put in a cast hopefully can he treated or foot maybe telling me that damage has been done and may need removing
oh dear. I've got a foot ulcer on my big toe. Went to walk in centre. Triage bumped me up the queue due to my medical conditions. Anyway needed anti-biotics. Flucloxacillin. Dressed it. Then iwas seen by podiatary got a 4 week block booking. I'm very lucky. The old you could lose your foot if left untreated scares the living daylights out of you. Anyhow pleased to say swelling gone anti- biotics did their job. Podiatary happy with the healing process. Podiatary don't cut toe nails now by the way. Thats at my service Mersey care.
I wondered about Charcot Foot when I first read your post. Our resident expert is @Flower and hopefully she will be able to give you a bit more information and advice on it. I believe they have been offering amputation to her for quite some time but she refuses and soldiers on with it, so hopefully she can offer you some encouragement.
It sounds like they have caught it in the early stages if it is Charcot, which is really important.
Hi @dalebyrne88

It is often difficult to diagnose Charcot foot as it presents in a very similar way to sprains & infections. I'm sorry that is the probable diagnosis but if it is Charcot foot time is of the essence to try and keep your foot in shape and stop bone and joint collapse.

An MRI will hopefully show what is going on in your foot. If you are in a cast it can be a lengthy process as the foot needs to settle down and allow inflammation to calm down. It is an absolute pain being non weight bearing in a cast but far better than the bones in the foot fracturing and displacing.

The aim will be to preserve a normally shalped foot - unless the shape has already changed. Amputation shouldn't be an immediate suggestion unless there is overwhelming infection and all other treatments have been exhausted. I've been living with Charcot foot for over 25 years now and have reached the point of being advised to have a below knee amputation as all else has failed - multiple reconstruction surgeries etc.

See what the MRI shows and take it from there, you have hopefully been diagnosed in time to prevent serious damage and even if not it doesn't mean amputation. Wishing you well with it.
Thank you for advice in this lovely cast 1st time on right leg had it on left one in past hopefully mri wont be too long till it gets done to find out and i cant tell if one of the issues was being in a medical shoe awaiting for special made shoes to be made contributed it but will never know.
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