Reverse diabetes

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, I posted a few months back where my hba1c was 113 and retested week later and was 96, I was classed as diabetic but refused medication as wanted to try to control through diet first fast forward 3 months had another blood test on 05/01/2024 today received my results my levels have dropped to 32!!! Plus dropped 18kg of weight lol.
Thank you to everyone who helped answer questions and guide me along the way.
Still hoping to stay sugar free and loose more weight so definitely it can be done.
WOOHOO!! What a result! Many congratulations on a very impressive reduction, both in HbA1c and weight. So pleased the advice from the forum was able to help you but it is putting it into action which counts so you should be extremely proud of yourself and your achievement and I am sure other newbies reading this will find it really inspirational.

WELL DONE and keep up the good work!
That's a brilliant result, well into normal range. Well done, and thank you for sharing. It means others can see what's possible and take inspiration from your success story.
Fantastic result!! Well done 🙂
Well done, yet another proof that weight loss is the key to reversal for the majority of T2D cases, and highlighting what a ridiculous situation has arisen in which the majority have instead been lured into a life on medications, to the great joy of big pharma.
Wow thank you all for your kind words and responses, diet change was very low carb more protein and no sugars fizzy drinks etc as I was a serial binger of junk food. Now it’s more veg and salads and protein fruit and for my sweet fix I have some dates with nuts also cheese. Typical breakfast before was 2 wholemeal toast with butter now it’s Greek yogurt with berries and sprinkle of almonds. Also helped lower cholesterol and blood pressure so a win win. Definitely can be done and hopefully this has become a way of life as I’d like to carry on with this eating habit.
Hope your all well x
That is good going I am similar was 107 Jan 23 and yesterday got my results back 47 but I was slightly disappointed I was aiming for 40.

When having hospital appointment yesterday for ongoing charcot and they told me they turned round and said keep it at that if you drop lower you'll get hypos and they don't want it lower hba1c which puzzled me as my aim is to tone down meds and eventually come off them.
That is good going I am similar was 107 Jan 23 and yesterday got my results back 47 but I was slightly disappointed I was aiming for 40.

When having hospital appointment yesterday for ongoing charcot and they told me they turned round and said keep it at that if you drop lower you'll get hypos and they don't want it lower hba1c which puzzled me as my aim is to tone down meds and eventually come off them.
That is still very good! As I’m not taking medication and tried through lifestyle and diet control maybe that’s why they haven’t said anything to me. But I did try and get an appointment for the diabetic nurse and the receptionist said your fine now don’t need to see them repeat your bloods in 12 months, tried to argue with her that I need some kind of guidance but fell on deaf ears. Will try rebook again in the next coming weeks.
That is still very good! As I’m not taking medication and tried through lifestyle and diet control maybe that’s why they haven’t said anything to me. But I did try and get an appointment for the diabetic nurse and the receptionist said your fine now don’t need to see them repeat your bloods in 12 months, tried to argue with her that I need some kind of guidance but fell on deaf ears. Will try rebook again in the next coming weeks.
The best way is to keep a check yourself with a home blood glucose monitor then you an pick up any upwards drift pretty quickly rather than begging for the HbA1C test which you should get every year along with foot and eye screening.
Excellent inspiring result. Well done.
Mate - I'd be contacting the Practice Manager and telling them exactly what the (unmedically qualified presumably) receptionist has told you plus why you want to keep some medical input, at least in the short term, please.
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