Reverse Diabetes Diet book by Dr. Neal Barnard

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Just bought the above book and started reading it. Sounds good and we are planning on doing a 21 day trial as suggested in the book. Has anyone tried this eating plan and if so what happened? Thanks
Just bought the above book and started reading it. Sounds good and we are planning on doing a 21 day trial as suggested in the book. Has anyone tried this eating plan and if so what happened? Thanks

Read the book a few years ago. Its a Vegan diet, I incorporated some of his ideas in to my regime but wouldn't bother going the whole hog with it.
Typical of Barnard's approach is his aphorism , "There are only two things wrong with an Egg - the white and the yolk".

Veganlass found him on Youtube giving a presentation ..
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OK been on vegan diet for 3 days , this is the 4th. Going quite well. Im not sticking to it as rigidly as my fiance but I dont have diabetes! Hes pleased and grateful that im doing it too and cooking weird and wonderful meals! lol. Bit of a learning curve but fun. I think I may be loosing a bit of weight too, a bonus!
Anyway his blood readings are lower so were both happy. Today and tomorrow is going to be challenging as were staying with relatives and going out for 2 meals. I will let you know how it goes!
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