Retinopathy - tomorrow morning YIKES

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Have an appointment for 9am in the morning.

The receptionist worried me though as I phoned on Thursday and she wanted me to drop everything, walk out of work and go for the test right then. Said no and I would not go later as I was going out and needed to be able to drive. She then said not to worry, my eyesight would only be a little blurred and I would probably be OK driving. Yeah right. I wear glasses but have only had drops on very rare occasions as I know to stay still when the eyes are being examined. I hate drops - I really do. Cannot for the life of me keep my eyes open and whoever is ministering the drops usually gets ratty so I keep very still and they do not need to use drops. I have worn glasses for almost 50 years - I know the score.

However, I know this is different and it is not a matter of just keeping still but I have no idea how they are going to affect me. Therefore, I will be walking to the appointment and walking back again wearing my sun glasses and it will probably be pouring with rain.

Wish me luck.
Good luck Margb with your eye apponitment. I had mine done recently I absoultely hate the drops my eyes hurt for about 6 hours afterwards and I had a splitting headache as well. Had to keep my sungalsses on most of the day. The receptionist shouldn't have said it would be fine for you to drive, can't believe she said it really because the appointment letter I always get always says do not drive to the appointment. x
If you have drops you are not supposed to drive for the rest of that day. I don't know what she means by a 'little blurry' but you are committing an offence if you drive with sight impaired in any way.

Drops are not much just take some sunglasses as the daylight is uncomfortable when you come out.
Marg, you shouldn't drive for several hours after getting the drops, so it is wrong to suggest you would be able to any sooner. For me it takes about 5 hours for my eyesight to return to normal. Try and grit your teeth - the drops do sting a little, but the main thing is that everything is very bright afterwards - take your sunglasses with you, even if it is dull, Hope it goes OK 🙂
Oh-oh - I wanted to drive again at about 11.30. Sounds like I will be getting the bus!

Oh heck, have just remembered that there is a motor bikers protest go slow through Manchester on Saturday. I am singing at someone's wedding so don't want to let them down.
Hope it went well and that you resisted the temptation to drive. Be wary of advice given by receptionists and even nurses. Someone I know had emergency eye surgery this week and despite having to wear an eye patch was told it was OK to drive as they had perfect vision in the other eye. They did not as temporarily there is no sideways vision on that eye and they are struggling with perspective, judgement of distance, etc!
When I have the drops I can't see for a few hours afterwards so plan not to do anything that uses too much concentrated vision and even make somoen one else cook dinner if it is a late appointment. We are all different so it affects us all differently, although the receptionist was out of ordr in suggesting you drive with drops, they do affect the vision.

Hope the appointment went well.
It all went well although I was there for about 1.5 hours. Think they got annoyed because it is only 12 months since I bought my last glasses and just don't want fork out for new ones for a slight change in one eye. The drops stung when they went in but that quickly went away. I got someone to pick me up and take me to the wedding, which also went very well.

Oh, but the optician is an older man and decided to give me some unasked for advice about treating diabetes. Told me to drink plenty of milk but not to eat too much fruit because fruit has a lot of sugar. He said some other things but they must have gone in one ear and out the other but the fruit warning stuck. I particularly remember the practice nurse saying it was fine to eat fruit as it is different sugar.

Everyone but me is an expert.

Cool the way your pupils go huuuuuuuuuuuuge! Impressed the youngsters in the choir as I had to go through choir practice with my sun glasses on as we were facing a window and it was all a bit bright for me. OK in church though so didn't look a pratt. Well, no more than usual.
Hi Marg, glad to hear it went OK - now you know what to expect, I bet you wouldn't consider driving!😱

The optician is wrong about milk - it contains lactose, a type of sugar, so it will affect your BG levels in a similar way to fruit, so only drink it if levels are good, and then not by the pint! Some fruits are better than others - strawberries are good (low GI) and grapes are bad (high GI). Ripe bananas will also hit your blood sugar fast.
I received a letter today to say there is evidence of early diabetic eye changes but there is no immediate cause for concern. Don't have to go anywhere else, just make sure I go for the next screening in 12 months' time and try to bring down blood glucose and blood pressure.

Is this normal/average?
I received a letter today to say there is evidence of early diabetic eye changes but there is no immediate cause for concern. Don't have to go anywhere else, just make sure I go for the next screening in 12 months' time and try to bring down blood glucose and blood pressure.

Is this normal/average?

Par for the course Marg - I got an identical letter after my last screening. Sometimes the scans show background retinopathy but it can clear up of its own accord and doesn't threaten your sight. Sounds scary, but isn't 🙂
Thanks Northerner. I know it says no immediate cause for concern but it also says there is something. A 'don't worry but ...'
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