retinopathy screening

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi everyone,

haven't posted much but today I am very drepressed got my 1st eye screening test result today of all days as I was very happy the rest of the week anyway results show I have some slight early diabetic changes to my eyes I am only 5 months living with D has anyone else had these results so early on I test everyday and I thought I was well controlled well within the guidelines for D.

Thanks in advance for any replies
I think sometimes in these cases, the early changes sometimes get better or go away completely if you stay on track with your control....
I dont know if it would be affected by the waiting time you had before diagnosis? Hopefully its just a result of not knowing back then and things will improve as time goes on:confused:
Im not totally sure how it all works re retinopathy so soon after diagnosis, hopefully some one can offer you better advice when they see your thread, I didnt wanna read then leave without a comment 😉 xx
On average the early changes tend to show up with Type II sooner than with Type I. The reason for this is that Type I develops, on average, very suddenly and the period of untreated diabetes is relatively short. Type II develops more slowly and the person could have had elevated BG and HbA1c for many months and in some cases years. Don't worry early background changes often remain as such with. Obviously achieving as good control as possible (we are all different and some can achieve a low HbA1c easier than others). A BP of 130/75 or lower is advisable.
my first showed backgound changes but have had 2 since and they are ok i think falcon is correct as my HbA1c has come down and stayed the same at 6.4 for the last 2 tests xx good luck x🙂
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