Retinopathy result?

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Many people get 'that letter' saying background retinopathy but find that the next test shows nothing. Obviously the better you keep your blood glucose well managed the more likely that will be the case.
I had exactly the same with the first one but clear ever since.
I had background retinopathy at my first test, nothing a year later or since then.
Well done you seem to be doing really well.Still trying to keep Hba1c down now around 48. Just cooking 5 diff. Green veg to have with my fish meal.
after over 20 years of being diabetic with all-clear retinopathy exam, my last exam shows background retinopathy in one eye. A tiny amount. Hope it clears up :|
I have certainly had a background retinopathy result in the past (I'm Type 1) and all has been fine/clear since then. Keeping BG levels as stable as possible and BP in a good range is generally important for retinopathy.
Often told I had it, never need treating so never ever seen more frequently. Last twice, none detected whatever, apparently.
whew!!! thanks all
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