Retinopathy Laser complications

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello to all,
Ive been type1 for 29 years but am new to the forum and I hope you can help!
At the begining of this year I was referred to have laser treatment on both eyes for retinopathy and went through the first treatment in march with no issues (a few days sensitive to light aside).
I had my second round mid july - consultant could only do 1 eye as I nearly passed out. After returning 2 weeks later to have the other eye done the consultant was sorry to hear that I was seeing spots close to the centre and vision was still blurry.
After further investigation he advised me of a complication during previous session which has resulted in damage to the center of my eye as the laser has gotten too close. All further treament has been put on hold for the time being. I have since been advised that this damage is more than likely permenent though they cannot tell me anything for definite so its a wait and see type thing.
While I am still hopeful this will correct itself, I am curious if anyone else has had something similar happen? And, if so, can you offer any advice or info?

Thank you in advance.

P.S. Sorry for the essay
@Jaymac, I'd like to express my sympathy. I have no knowledge of this and hope somebody will be here to help you soon.
You have my sympathy, too. I have never had any eye problems apart from cataracts, but laser burns such as yours may diminish in time, but will leave a small patch of scarring. There’s nothing to be done but wait, and make sure your diabetes is well controlled. It’s not your fault that you’ve developed retinopathy, it’s more related to years since diabetes started than poor control. Even the very best controlled folk can develop retinopathy.

If that lesion is permanent but small and unilateral, your brain will eventually ignore it when processing images. I don’t know if you drive, but this shouldn’t affect that.
Hello to all,
Ive been type1 for 29 years but am new to the forum and I hope you can help!
At the begining of this year I was referred to have laser treatment on both eyes for retinopathy and went through the first treatment in march with no issues (a few days sensitive to light aside).
I had my second round mid july - consultant could only do 1 eye as I nearly passed out. After returning 2 weeks later to have the other eye done the consultant was sorry to hear that I was seeing spots close to the centre and vision was still blurry.
After further investigation he advised me of a complication during previous session which has resulted in damage to the center of my eye as the laser has gotten too close. All further treament has been put on hold for the time being. I have since been advised that this damage is more than likely permenent though they cannot tell me anything for definite so its a wait and see type thing.
While I am still hopeful this will correct itself, I am curious if anyone else has had something similar happen? And, if so, can you offer any advice or info?

Thank you in advance.

P.S. Sorry for the essay
I’m so sorry to hear this Jaymac, I have had extensive lasering & surgery to both eyes as I had prolific retinopathy, laser treatment is done to seal leaking blood cells in the eye & stop damage occurring but it does involve some risk especially if the leaking is close to the iris or macula, it sounds in your case that the laser has either affected the macula or iris in some way by going into these areas ( the laser shouldn’t go near the macula, just around the outside of it),without eye photographs it’s hard to say and also it takes a while for the eyes to adjust after lasering as the old blood needs time to dissipate & hopefully no new blood appears, try and keep your blood pressure normal and your bs as good as you can and also don’t lift and put strain on your eyes while they heal these are all important things that I was never told but I learnt, for now even though it’s a worry all’s you can do is wait & keep blood sugars normal so your eyes don’t suffer anymore bleeds
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