Retinal Screening

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Good news.
I have mine on 15th. Friendly neighbour has offered transport.
Excellent news!

I have my first on the 6/1... Is it painful or uncomfortable at all? Strange question I know, but I HATE going to the opticians normally and have an odd icky about my eyes!
They squirt some stuff in your stings a bit but its nothing..for a couple of hours after its like looking through a frosted window!
Excellent news!

I have my first on the 6/1... Is it painful or uncomfortable at all? Strange question I know, but I HATE going to the opticians normally and have an odd icky about my eyes!

I was advised not to drive for a few hours and to bring sunglasses as the pupils will be enlarged by the drops.
Hi. This is my first post on this message board. I am 38 and was diagnosed with type 1 about 4 years ago. I went on the DAFNE course one year after diagnosis and i found it really useful. I still stick to the DAFNE way of doing things but if i am honest i have become a bit lazy recently. I still test at mealtimes and adjust for highs and lows but i sometimes find that it is after i have eaten. Also, i sometimes forget to test when i have had a snack. I also don't record my results anymore. My most recent HbA1c was 7.6 but this has steadily risen from 6.6 shortly after diagnosis. I am relatively healthy but i did put on some weight (about a stone) shortly after diagnosis. I do exercise but probably not enough and i eat some things that are not too good for you, especially crisps! I am about 15 stone now and 5' 10". I work hard and i do get stressed at times which i'm sure does not help with good control. I don't smoke.

Anyway, after that long introduction, the reason that i am posting here is that i received a letter yesterday. It was the results of my recent retinopathy scan. It says, 'The report showed that you have some background retinopathy. This means that here are slight changes to your retina. Background retinopathy does not need traetment and does not affect your sight, but you should make sure you go for screening each year'. Well, i was a bit shocked to say the least. Not the nicest birthday present!

My main question is regarding how many people are diagnosed with background retinopathy after a short time? I would have thought that if i were to get complications then it would take longer than this? Also, can the damage be reserved or will it always remain? Needless to say, my DAFNE diary has now come out, everything is being measured properly and i am making other changes to my lifestyle. I am due to visit my consultant in February and i am determined to get the HbA1c back nearer or even below 7.

Sorry for the long post but i would be interested to hear peoples comments, especially others who have had the same diagnosis.
Three years ago i was told that i had mild diabetic changes to my eyes. the last two results have come back saying there are no problems.
I've had to go for screening and then subsequent laser treatment. I've had 3 sessions of laser and that seems to have sorted out the issues. I only ever needed glasses to drive and that was only after my diagnosis and DKA episode - now sometimes I am 5 mins down the road before I realise I don't have my glasses on, so things can't be that bad. I'm told that the retinas won't actually get better but they can stop them getting worse.
Alan, Stute

Thanks for the positives re eyes - much appreciated as I'm waiting for the results of a follow up to last week's retinal screening plus scan due to diabetic maculopathy that, like WIdster, I was told about in a letter post my first retinal screen in August.

Excellent news!

I have my first on the 6/1... Is it painful or uncomfortable at all? Strange question I know, but I HATE going to the opticians normally and have an odd icky about my eyes!

As jeanus44 said bit uncomfortable when drops put in eyes. The sun was shinning with a clear blue sky when I left the unit so was virtullay blind when facing the sun. The effect wore off after a couple of hours.
My first time here, I've just found this support group so hi. I just wanted to say retinal screening is not painful, the drops sting for a minute or two but no more. It is best to wear sunglasses when you go outside after having your eyes dilated because the light, even if weak sunshine will seem really bright for a few hours afterwards. You won't be able to drive so make sure someone drives you there, and home afterwards. I have had some laser to one of me eyes, mild retinopathy only but as I work for an ophthalmologist he decided to get it lasered straight away. The doesn't hurt either. It's uncomfortable when they are checking your eyes beforehand but the laser doesn't hurt at all. Gave me a headache afterwards but think that was more because I got a bit stressed about it all! I hope someone finds this useful and takes some of the worry away from it all.
Thanks for the replies about retinopathy. Very helpful. As i said before,it has made me sit up a bit and try harder to control my diabetes which can't be a bad thing!

how long after diagnosis should you have your first test? Almost a year now, and initially told by gp I was referred and they would send me an appointment. Never got one and when asked the diabetic nurse at gp,s she told me I was not referred as they prefer things to settle down first. :confused:
Tracy, I have been diagnosed for less than 2 weeks and have already got my appointment set for January. My nurse was concerned about some of the symptoms I am displaying though, like blurred vision and numb hands and feet, so maybe that's why it has come through so fast. I don't have enough experience to know what is normal, but I would say that it might be worth pushing for it, as you can expect it as part of your ongoing care.

how long after diagnosis should you have your first test? Almost a year now, and initially told by gp I was referred and they would send me an appointment. Never got one and when asked the diabetic nurse at gp,s she told me I was not referred as they prefer things to settle down first. :confused:

Diagnosed on 5 Nov, screened on 5 Dec.

how long after diagnosis should you have your first test? Almost a year now, and initially told by gp I was referred and they would send me an appointment. Never got one and when asked the diabetic nurse at gp,s she told me I was not referred as they prefer things to settle down first. :confused:

My husband had his first photograph taken nearly two years after diagnosis - chasing our local PCT about the appointments was a nightmare. However, he had his eyes tested at Specsavers (don't know if other opticians can do this too) and they told us they could do pretty much the same testing with eye drops etc, just they could not take the photograph. It was still free, and gave us some reassurance that he didn't have problems yet, whilst we waited so long for the NHS retinal screening appt.

Try talking to an optician and see what they say.
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