resuming gliclazide

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Advice please: since seeing my consultant in October and saying my mid-day levels were hypo, he advised coming off the 2 tablets of 80 each Glic in the morning and continuing with 2 x 500 Metformin a.m. and 2 x 80 glic and the usual 2 x 500 metformin at night. However my levels in the morning immediately rose to the high 8s/early 9s so I re-introduced 1 tablet of glic in the morning and took the usual doses of the rest of my pills as always. My levels stayed at 8s/early9s in the morning so about 5 days ago I went back onto the 2 x 80 glic morning.

In the intervening days I have had no hypos at mid-day but my morning levels continue to be high 8s/low 9s.

How long do I give this before I go and see my diabetic clinic Dr at the Surgery ? I thought another week would be OK - what do you think please ?

I know 8s and 9s aren't bad (I was 25 when diagnosed 2 years ago) but they are higher than I would like and I would have expected resuming my original dosages would have got better morning results by now.

I am doing my usual exercising (exercise bike and some "pleasure style" walking) daily and am being really good with my diet. It's driving me mad......I hate diabetes (all together now....) How long shall I give it before seeking surgery advice ?
I think I'd also give it a week and in the meantime keep a detailed diary of what is happening. I'm type 2 so a bit different but I'm finding gliclazide a bit of a nuisance too. I take Byetta with metformin and gliclazide and for the last few days have been having a hypo after exercise. These although I suppose at around 3.2 are not all that low make me feel awful after and are the lowest I've had. My waking BG's have come down a lot too. I know it's good but makes it all difficult to balance. I might try leaving out the one modified release glic I have in the morning and see what happens. I too thought I'd contact nursie with the results after a couple of weeks and see what she says. I hate diabetes too and all this faffing around is a pain!!
Are those readings you mention before or after breakfast?

Also, if they're after, do you know what your pre-breakfast readings were?
Are those readings you mention before or after breakfast?

Also, if they're after, do you know what your pre-breakfast readings were?

No, Andy, those high 8s/low 9s readings are pre-breakfast (and pre anything else e.g. cuppa tea on waking). Where I used to get hypo lunchtime readings of 3.7/4 I'm now getting anything up to 6 (today lunchtime pre-meal was 4.7 which was better). 😱
Hmm, stuck really, but 4.7 pre-meal sounds spot on to me.

I'd give it a week before going back to the clinic. Perhaps check your levels when going to bed and when getting up. That'll hopefully show whether some form of dawn phenomenon (that old chestnut!) is going on.

It's either that or something else, I think. 😉
Thanks - I'll try that. There are so many bugs around here at present (including chicken pox/shingles and tonsillitus) that I wonder if I'm coming down with something - in a way I hope it is that, as I'd like to be able to blame something for these lapses esp. when I know I really am doing all I can to keep things under control. :confused:

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