Results from DSN

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just got back from the DSN, I also saw the Podiatrist, and Dietician.
Blood pressure: 116/80
Cholestrol: 4mmol/l
Weight: 97kg (14st 12lb in old money)
HbA1c: 7.1%

The DSN seemed to be pleased that I was making positive steps to control my diabetes, and my BP was "normal", cholestrol was within parameters whatever that means.
The Podiatrist was pleased with my foot test results bearing in mind that parts of my legs are still numb from the RTA she concurs with the consultant that I will make an excellent recovery as the accident damage slowly repairs.
The Dietician says I just need to fine tune my diet no major changes, and do not set unattainable goals.
The only thing I was unhappy about was the HbA1c score but they told me that considering the lack of control I had not 😱 been practicing, it wasn't that bad. I said I was after mid to high 5's, max.. 6, and was told not to push my self too hard, as, as long as I was in between 4 and 7% that was fine. So no drugs (metformin etc) prescribed, not that I want them particularly I just thought they would help with my control.
Now I am confused 'cos almost everyone on here seems to be trying for the 5% club yet my medical practice say that I have to find balance and not obsess or push to hard because stress can be a factor in our readings and tolerances.
I thought they would be pleased that I had a particular goal set in mind :confused:
My wife says listen to the specialists who are trying to help you, small measured changes not radical stuff and all that.
I asked about a monitor and strips but was told they are not necessary yet as I am marginal not high risk, however they would uprate my checks to every two months rather than just an annual one. Mmmm....:confused:
So what are you meant to do?
For the mean time I will do my best to maintain control on diet and excercise
I think I have the will to do it. If I can stop a forty a day habit without anything other than will power I can do this, I WILL DO THIS! :D
...........For the mean time I will do my best to maintain control on diet and excercise
I think I have the will to do it. If I can stop a forty a day habit without anything other than will power I can do this, I WILL DO THIS! :D.......
Yes you will Jimbo! Go for it you know it makes sense!

Just cut back on any starchy carbohydrates - i.e. cereals, bread, potatoes, pasta and rice. that usually leads to a big improvement in blood glucose levels - and quickly too.

Best wishes - John
Yes you will Jimbo! Go for it you know it makes sense!

Just cut back on any starchy carbohydrates - i.e. cereals, bread, potatoes, pasta and rice. that usually leads to a big improvement in blood glucose levels - and quickly too.

Best wishes - John

The unfortunate thing about cutting back on these thing is, I have spent all my life cultivating the taste for cereals, bread, potatoes, etc......:D in fact there was once a song called "Toast" all about bread that was perfect which I'm sure was written with me in mind! :D
fab results Jim

I think it is now down to cost - I was diet and exercise for more than 2 years before I became a registed diabetic, on meds and with free prescriptions. I think they have been told to cut back. The fact you are doing all the work, with good results, they could maintain a back seat.

Things are different here in Scotland - you could buy a meter for ?10 or less and strips (no idea how much they cost). You are keen to look after your own health, so this might be an option.

If not, carry on with what you are doing, cos it is working

fab results Jim

I think it is now down to cost - I was diet and exercise for more than 2 years before I became a registed diabetic, on meds and with free prescriptions. I think they have been told to cut back. The fact you are doing all the work, with good results, they could maintain a back seat.

Things are different here in Scotland - you could buy a meter for ?10 or less and strips (no idea how much they cost). You are keen to look after your own health, so this might be an option.

If not, carry on with what you are doing, cos it is working


Hazel can you clarify something for me please, You very kindly say "fab results", but my problem is I don't know whats good and what's bad.
As I read the forums I had come to the conclusion that I had a fair bit of work to do and I can deal with that, then the Doctor phones me at home and tells me my results are not as good as they previously had been. I can deal with that too because since my RTA I have not been managing my diabetes particularly if at all well because I was pretty down for a while and honestly I just didn't care anymore.
Then I see the light and want to do everything properly but get conflicting information at almost every turn. I want to believe you guys because you live it day in day out as I now have to. But the Doc and his team tell me something different, it's just difficult to know if I am making the correct choices. I think the lack of a base line to work from is my problem just now. Sorry to be a pest, I just need to know.:D
Just got back from the DSN, I also saw the Podiatrist, and Dietician.
Blood pressure: 116/80
Cholestrol: 4mmol/l
Weight: 97kg (14st 12lb in old money)
HbA1c: 7.1%

Hi Jimbo, these numbers are excellent. The only one that could do with some reduction is the HbA1c. Recommendations are:

Cholesterol - 4 or less (tick!)
BP - 130/80 (tick!)
HbA1c - 6.5 or less (I think you have already seen how this can be improved). I have no doubt that, if you keep up the good work, your next level will be below 6.5%. So - you are doing great!🙂
my last hbA1c was 6.4 and my nurse was delighted i am aiming to keep in lower than that but 5 club not sure if it would suit me so don't worry what others maybe doing your doing great small step at a time well done jimbo !!
Thanks everybody for your support, it's reassuring and I feel that I am doing the right things and heading in the right direction.
I also feel that at last I have some sort of base line to work from, so now I can work on things to my benefit.
Thanks again for all your help guys! 😛
The unfortunate thing about cutting back on these thing is, I have spent all my life cultivating the taste for cereals, bread, potatoes, etc......:D in fact there was once a song called "Toast" all about bread that was perfect which I'm sure was written with me in mind! :D
Me too - big style!

However, I soon forgot about them when I saw what they were doing to my blood glucose levels and - in doing that - putting me at risk of blindness, amputations, kidney failure/dialysis, heart disease just to name but a few complications that can come the way of people with diabetes.

I don't really miss them these days - I suppose because I now associate them with those kind of problems.

Best wishes - John
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