Result of my check-up

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Much Missed Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
All my test results were very good except for cholestrol which has gone up from 3 to 5, but I know the reason for that, I stopped taking my Pravastatin.
My HbA1c came in at 6.2 which is down from 6.7. I am pleased with that as I have reduced my Novorapid from 135 total units per day to 90 total units per day.


PS....Forgot to mention that I downloaded 2 Diabetes support posters and the nurse has put one up in her treatment room and said she will put the other in reception
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very well done john thats great news , im sure if you know the reason for the chlestorol issue then thats surely better then trying to guess why it was higher x
Congratulations on the brilliant HbA1c result John.:D

All my test results were very good except for cholestrol which has gone up from 3 to 5, but I know the reason for that, I stopped taking my Pravastatin.
My HbA1c came in at 6.2 which is down from 6.7. I am pleased with that as I have reduced my Novorapid from 135 total units per day to 90 total units per day.


PS....Forgot to mention that I downloaded 2 Diabetes support posters and the nurse has put one up in her treatment room and said she will put the other in reception

Dear John,

Well done, the more you can lower your HbA1c the better. BTW have a look at the cholesterol thread, nothing could persuade me to take a statin. The idea that we should all have a value below some arbitary figure is beyond belief. Cholesterol is an extremely important substance and artificially lowering it is just plain crackers.

Regards Dodger
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Well done, Can i ask what was your A1c when you were put on medicine.. is it tablets? I only ask as i am just diet and A1c was 6.9... not that i want to take tablets just wondering if yours was much higher?

Great news though hey, don't understand cholestrol at all !

Julie x
Well done John , keep up the good work :D:D:D:D
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