Resistant starch can help improve insulin sensitivity

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ingredion Incorporated, a leading global provider of ingredient solutions, today announced the results of a new independent clinical trial published in the September 2012 issue of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. The principal investigator was M. Denise Robertson, Ph.D. from University of Surrey (Guildford, United Kingdom) and the funding was provided by Diabetes UK. The study showed that the consumption of HI-MAIZE resistant starch improves certain aspects of fatty acid metabolism within adipose (fat) tissue in study participants. These findings are significant because research has shown that impairment in fatty acid metabolism within fat cells cause excess fat storage in muscles, liver and the pancreas, which directly causes insulin resistance, a major biomarker for prediabetes. The findings also help explain how fat metabolism contributes to the development of prediabetes. Prediabetes is defined by the American Diabetes Association as blood glucose levels that are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes. The US Centers for Disease Control has estimated that nearly 80 million American adults have prediabetes.
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