Researchers may have unmasked mystery of cannabis 'munchies'

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"Cannabis 'munchies' explained by new study," The Guardian reports. "Munchies" is widely used slang for a common effect of cannabis: sudden hunger pangs, even if a user has just eaten. A new study set out to find why cannabis causes increased appetite.

Previous studies have shown certain pathways of nerve cells in the hypothalamus of the brain (called pro-opiomelanocortin, or POMC) have a role in regulating our appetite.

This latest study found that when mice were given a chemical to stimulate cannabinoid receptors (the parts of the brain that respond to cannabis), this caused increased feeding.

A series of subsequent tests confirmed this feeding response was being driven by the activation of POMC nerve cells. This caused a release of beta-endorphins (opioid-like proteins that can have various feel-good effects).
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