Researchers criticize Health Canada evaluation of glycemic index

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Researchers at St. Michael?s Hospital, where the glycemic index was developed, have criticized a Health Canada evaluation of the scale that measures how fast and how high individual foods raise blood glucose levels.

Health Canada published a paper in June saying it could be ?misleading? to add GI values to food labels and that it ?would not add value? for consumers trying to make healthier food choices.

?Unfortunately, Health Canada does not seem to understand the glycemic index, or else it would have come to different conclusions,? said Dr. Livia Augustin, of the hospital?s Clinical Nutrition and Risk Modification Centre. She wrote a letter to the editor of the British Journal of Nutrition, along with other members of the International Carbohydrate Quality Consortium, a committee of leading nutrition experts, rebutting the Health Canada paper. It was published today.

Why not use the GL then, instead of GI i.e. adjusting for recommended portion size? :confused:

GI would certainly be useful for some products, like bread, yoghurts etc. where low fat might equate to high sugar, high GI.
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