Researcher request

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi, I have been approached by a researcher looking for participants in a study they are conducting. There is a payment involved for agreeing to participate, although the requirements are quite specific:

Dear Diabetes Support,

I am contacting you from Gillian Kenny Associates, an independent medical market research company. We have been commissioned by our client to conduct a nationwide market research study on Glucose Blood Monitoring and would greatly appreciate your input.

I am looking for the patients below 2 in the West Midlands and 1 patient in London.

I wondered if your web site may be able to help me recruit the Patients required for this study it’s a small but specific quota (please read all of the info below ) so a quick response would be appreciated.

We are offering an honorarium of ?300 for each patient and there participation in this study.

I am looking for the following patients:

1 Patient with type 1 Diabetes 15-16 years old may be a little lapse with testing Male or Female.
1 Patient with type 1 Diabetes 30-40 years old Male testing twice a day with a busy job / active lifestyle.
1 Patient with type 1 Diabetes that is pregnant testing 4 to 6 times a day.

The study is an Ethnographic piece of research We would like patients to divulge their thoughts, feelings and day-to-day lives with us. If they want someone to truly hear and see what it means to have diabetes, we are those people. We will be available to them over a 7-8 day period to share as much as possible with us. In return we want their commitment that they will talk, write, take photos, do some of their own filming, email us, text us, call us, go out with us, SHOW us as much as possible in that timeframe

The ethnographer will call the person to introduce themselves but to also gauge how the levels of ‘preparedness’ for involvement.

Requirements of the patient
To carry on living as they normally would and to let us into their world as much as possible To be prepared to commit to several face to face meetings of several hours each in a range of situations and locations (e.g. in home, out with friends, out in public but less social situation) over the 7-8 day period To show the ‘evidence’ of living with diabetes and how they use their Blood Glucose Meter, where they keep their medication, the way they organise their home, the way they cope with everyday things as a result of their diabetes

If you are interested in helping or would like further information, please send me a PM and I will give you the contact details.
Hi, the researcher is now just looking for a type 1 15-16 years old and a type 1 pregnant lady. They must be in the West midlands.

Please PM me if you are interested 🙂
How about an 18-25 female type 1 who drinks too many pints of beer in the Bournemouth area? 🙂
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