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As part of my Health Psychology MSc thesis, I am looking for males and females aged 18 years and older who regularly control their blood sugar. You will be required to complete three questionnaires looking into the effects of numeracy skills on the relationship between doctor-patient communication and blood sugar control. Data will be collected initially, and then follow-up data will be sent via email 4 to 8 weeks later containing the same three questionnaires. Completion at each time point will take approximately 20 minutes and participation would be greatly appreciated. Please visit the link for access to the questionnaire.

This study has recieved ethical approval and has been approved by admin of this forum

Thank you for your time
well, not sure I was prepared for all that maths at this time of night! Perhaps should have fortified myself with a glass of wine. One problem I noticed is that lots of us don't see our GPs for diabetes care (I don't). Also, the question asked about when you last saw your gp and practice nurse. I have seen my gp recently on an unrelated matter and my diabetes was not mentioned. Ditto nurse. Wasn't sure therefore whether to answer that I had, or hadn't seen them recently, as my ability to do maths challenges has little baring on my experience of getting a flu jab or smear test!
Completed. I assume it was an American questionnaire as it uses cups for measurements and blood glucose measured in mg/dl. Unless I was completing the wrong one. :D
Completed. The cups and mg/dL threw me too at first, but for the purpose of the exercise it matters not - it's only testing whether you can follow instructions really, since the actual maths is dead easy.

My granddaughter would have trouble though unless you read the instructions to her - she's dyslexic! But absolutely ace at the actual maths!

Do you know, having hardly done any mental arithmetic in dosing since I had the pump - it was a bit strange!

Plus of course they didn't tell me my IOB in any of the examples, so they weren't practical tests either LOL or at all realistic as far as I'm concerned. All that potato? EEEK!

Still, at least a bit more likely than A and B digging a hole ........
Can I ask: Why is American? Aren't you actually re-using a questionnaire from the US? and also, it seems to go on a lot about units of insulin, is it just intended to be for Type 1s?
I can't count so I couldn't do it. Also, I've never seen a diabetic nurse. I am going on a course though soon. 🙂
I can't count so I couldn't do it. Also, I've never seen a diabetic nurse. I am going on a course though soon. 🙂
..... And there's the problem with self-selecting subjects in a survey right there.
I gave up at the physical exercise question. It's bloody insulting to have to respond in such a way as it seems I'm opting out instead of being virtually unable to walk, so when I'm presented with a questionnaire that allows for that possibility I'll happily complete it. So there's another potential response gone because of bad design.

I spent a happy afternoon trundling round Tobar Mhoire ( Tobermory) after a cheeseburger at McGochan's with the family, grandson hitching an illegal ride on the electric wheelchair, so this isn't me just being grumpy 🙂
I spent a happy afternoon trundling round Tobar Mhoire ( Tobermory) after a cheeseburger at McGochan's with the family, grandson hitching an illegal ride on the electric wheelchair, so this isn't me just being grumpy 🙂
So that was the story from Balamory Mike ! 🙂
Just booked a cottage in Gribun for later this year. Will be nice to be back on Mull - a magic island.
Sorry but I gave up when it seemed to be asking the same questions in a different way.
Done, though on one question where it asked you to tick all answers that apply, it would only let me select one option.
Can I ask: Why is American? Aren't you actually re-using a questionnaire from the US? and also, it seems to go on a lot about units of insulin, is it just intended to be for Type 1s?

Well it mentions metformin as well, of which I have zero experience. I still answered the question. As TW says it's fairly basic maths and diabetics of all flavours whether carb counting, calculating insulin doses, calculating tablet requirements, working out how many carbs something contains from the back of a packet will require some understanding of this. The problem is when someone who really struggles with calculations is left to it and then has to speak to the GP (or whoever) about the quality of their blood sugar control. Reading Helen's first message it seems this is what the study is about.
This questionaire may work on a "bog standard" American but might confuse those who had only used UK measures!
If you are not a bog standard GP only patient it could give distorted answers! Is this "use a US survey unaltered" style a reflection on the teaching @ John Moores? If so I am glad my Daughter did not apply there!
Can I ask: Why is American? Aren't you actually re-using a questionnaire from the US? and also, it seems to go on a lot about units of insulin, is it just intended to be for Type 1s?
They obviously could not be bothered tailoring their "bought in questionaire" to UK terms!" US tends to just throw insulin at diabetics so why assume anywhere else does it differently!
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