Research project which needs your opinion!!


New Member
Hi everyone,

I am Natalie Mak, a 4th year student dietitian currently studying in Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen. I am conducting my final year research project on investigating patient’s views on the use of audio and video recording in dietetic consultations. I would be grateful if you will take 15 minutes of your day to complete my study.

I would like to explore the thoughts and opinions in introducing audio and video recording in dietetic consultations as they are getting more and more popular amongst GP settings and special clinics internationally. If you or someone you care for have seen a dietitian, your views on this subject is what I am interested to look at.

Please help by filling out this quick survey .

Thanks a lot!
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Done it.
I particularly liked having the option of looking at them as individual questions rather than as a table.
This then included the options after questions alongside the blobs to tick. Much easier then tracking back to the top of the page as the headings keep vanishing on most surveys.

Interesting that you say recording is becoming common in NHS - I've never come across this at all. I've recorded medical consultations myself though, if lengthy & complicated, so I could remember them afterwards!

Interesting point you brought up @HOBIE :rolleyes: I have always learnt best through visual means rather than auditory: spelling & maths in particular; need to see it on paper as I cannot see it in my mind’s eye, as it were, & I process it slower!:rolleyes: And there are people I know, as you are saying, are the opposite: learn better through auditory means rather than visual!:rolleyes:
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Done, I answered all the questions, unless specified, as relating to video, which has skewed my answers negatively as I am pretty camera phobic.
I've never had suggestions made by a dietician or a doctor, nurse, physio that I couldn't grasp at the time or follow afterwards. If I can't grasp what they're telling me I say so - cos far as I'm concerned it's them that's at fault, they obviously haven't explained it properly. 'properly' in this case is properly for ME. I know sometimes my husband thinks something different to me and he has absolutely no patience with me not getting the same understanding of something or with me knowing what they're on about and he doesn't.

I've not come across recording either audio or video, nor has anyone I've ever met so far mentioned it happening either.

It entirely depends on who wants to record it and for exactly what purpose as to whether I'd be happy with it or not. I abandoned the survey because it didn't (as far as I got with it anyway) give me any opportunity to say the preceding sentence.

I don't actually understand why they'd want to record it - or even what 'physical examination' a dietician would have to do other than weigh a person and being observant - this person is pear shaped, has bat wings, has a huge belly or backside, is painfully thin with shoulder blades like chicken wings - whatever.
I've never had suggestions made by a dietician or a doctor, nurse, physio that I couldn't grasp at the time or follow afterwards. If I can't grasp what they're telling me I say so - cos far as I'm concerned it's them that's at fault, they obviously haven't explained it properly. 'properly' in this case is properly for ME. I know sometimes my husband thinks something different to me and he has absolutely no patience with me not getting the same understanding of something or with me knowing what they're on about and he doesn't.

I've not come across recording either audio or video, nor has anyone I've ever met so far mentioned it happening either.

It entirely depends on who wants to record it and for exactly what purpose as to whether I'd be happy with it or not. I abandoned the survey because it didn't (as far as I got with it anyway) give me any opportunity to say the preceding sentence.

I don't actually understand why they'd want to record it - or even what 'physical examination' a dietician would have to do other than weigh a person and being observant - this person is pear shaped, has bat wings, has a huge belly or backside, is painfully thin with shoulder blades like chicken wings - whatever.

Hi Jenny, thanks for showing such interest towards the study.

Apart from memory recall purposes for the video or audio recording, towards the end of the questionnaire we tried to discover the other possible usage of the recordings, such as educational purposes for students in University or quality improvement for dietitians within the department. Also, with the improvement of technology nowadays, i would like to explore whether substituting written information with recordings would be helpful for patients.

For the physical examination part, the main reason we have to include that is just to remind participants in the case of being recorded on the scales/getting height measurements on a day-to-day dietetic consultation, how would they feel about including such part into the video recording.

Hope this reply answered your questions and it would be really helpful if you can finish the questionnaire!
Did anyone else feel a bit wrong answering Yes when it asked if I'd use a recoding for legal purposes? Thing is though if any HCP was violent towards me or abusive or I dunno what - then yes I would if I happened to have it and ditto were the boot on the other foot.
I’ve used a phone recording against a dr who halved my meds without telling me. I ended up in ITU because she’d changed them bang in the middle of pollen season.
I answered no to that one because I took it as referring to intent - I don't think I'd deliberately record a session with the sole or main intention of using the recording against someone for legal purposes. But as you say, if I happened to have a recording of someone assaulting me or something like that, yes of course I'd use it for that purpose!
Well just maybe for some reason patients are attacking dieticians - or the same sort of folk who reverse their cars into the front of yours whilst you're innocently proceeding along the highway are turning their attentions to medical scenarios.

I mean I'm disgusted that they need Security staff at all in our hospitals. OK we've always known that drunks and addicts sometimes need restraining but in the past it was nothing a couple of burly porters couldn't manage - now it isn't.
Thanks for all of your opinion!

It'll be amazing if more people can participate and share their thoughts by filling in the questionnaire! It'll be really helpful as the number is still running low! Once again shout out for the participants who had spend their precious time filling in the questionnaire!
Once again thanks for all of your participation in this study!

It'll be amazing if more people can participate and share their thoughts by filling in the questionnaire! It'll be really helpful as the number is still low! Once again big shout for the participants who had spend their precious time filling in the questionnaire!