Research explores link between rotavirus infection and type 1

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Researchers at the University of Melbourne have identified a way that a rotavirus infection, often referred to as ‘stomach flu’, could contribute to the development of type 1 diabetes.

The discovery lends more weight to the possibility that certain viral infections could act as triggers for the condition in those already at risk.

It is already known that in mice that are genetically prone to developing type 1, infection with rotavirus can speed up the onset of the condition. In humans, a combination of a genetic predisposition and an infection from certain viruses (including enteroviruses like the Coxsackie B virus and rotavirus) is thought to increase a person’s risk for type 1 and JDRF researchers are trying to find out more about how this process could work.

I had a bad stomach virus immediately prior to diagnosis :(
I had had a tummy bug in the Feb of the year I was diagnosed. I've always wondered ......
If that is the whole story then it does raise the question: What percentage of T2's get the infection and become T1's - anyone heard of it?
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