Requesting carb info when out

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

Just wanted some general opinions on this.

When I'm out eating, I'll always ask if they have nutritional info. I don't think much to it - just do it. If they have it, awesome, if they don't, there isn't much I can do (except text a load of you lot and beg for help!).

I stated this on facebook, and had a friend comment that if I was asking someone to 'above and beyond their call of duty as a waitress/waiter' (by asking for carb info) then I should tip them.

To quote - "I thought you would understand that getting that information means going the extra mile for your customer, which (I think) is something that should be rewarded". (referring to the fact I used to waitress).

So if you ask for nutritional info, do you think you should be obliged to tip? I stated to her that I don't feel meeting my personal needs is something that needs tipping, much the same way someone with coeliac or a nut allergy would ask for information.
It might incline me to tip, depending on how they respond, but not solely on the basis of bringing the info - they'd have to be good the whole meal through! So, if I didn't feel they deserved a tip for anything else I wouldn't feel I should tip just for that. Does that make sense?
It might incline me to tip, depending on how they respond, but not solely on the basis of bringing the info - they'd have to be good the whole meal through! So, if I didn't feel they deserved a tip for anything else I wouldn't feel I should tip just for that. Does that make sense?

Yes, that's pretty much how I feel. If I tipped every time I got carb info I'd be tipping purely for having t1, if that makes sense.

If they went above and beyond call of duty - for example the time when I explained why I needed the info the manager brought out the invoices so we could work out how much the pizza bases weighed - then fair enough. But just for bringing over a booklet? I don't think so!
Imagine if it was so, and their eyes lighting up when we all walk in on a forum meet! 🙂 Easy money! 😱
No, don't feel obligated to tip. It's within reason to ask them to provide something that the company is providing.

I tip for good service and a pleasant manner, but I expect waitstaff to do their job. Nobody tips me for processing tickets or writing letters! Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's not like the US, where they're expected to make up the difference of a low wage with tips, is it?
We are getting more like the US and whats more annoying about tips and suchlike is yesterday hubby and I went to London to the Champagne Bar of all places 😉 What annoyed me was that they automatically added a service charge of nearly ?6.00. I would have tipped had they not have done that.

In answer to your question, i wouldn't tip just for an answer to carbs info but as others have mentioned for good service and the like.

Bernie x 🙂
no i wouldn't tip them, not unless they sat down with me and listed every carb in the meal and helped me work out how much insulin to have.

If they have the information available, they should give it 🙂
Depending on how helpful the waiter/wiatress was would affect the way I tipped. If the service was poor, no tip, the better the service, the better the tip.

I think good service should always be rewarded. Many people are fast to complain if something is not right, but I think when people serving us get it right, they should know about that too.
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