Replacement pump funding?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi folks,

My pump is due for replacement later this year. I've had issues over the last couple of years with control, depression, anxiety about hypos, and a slight return of an eating disorder I had as a teen involving insulin abuse (ie not taking it, and not testing either since it was always a rubbish number that made me feel worse). My hospital team were fab and got me in to see their counsellor which I did regularly for a year, I'm doing much better now and she discharged me a few months ago. BUT my HbA1c is still some way north of ideal, and the worst it's ever been since I got a pump 12 years ago.

Does anyone have any experience of funding requests in similar circumstances? My DSN said the CCG have got stricter, and she didn't want them to refuse it so now I'm thoroughly stressing.
.... which won't help you lower your BGs.

I don't have experience of this - but why not have a word with INPUT, and see if they can lay any of your fears to rest - which will then help you lower them?
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Thanks - have never been in touch with INPUT, will try them.
Hi Cate have you heard anymore about your pump replacement or been in touch with INPUT?
Not yet - half term has struck, I've done nothing for a week! Big kids are back at school tomorrow, so I'm hoping to get in touch with INPUT then. My pump clinic appt isn't for a few weeks yet - I thought it was this month, but it's actually next - which is when the next discussion should happen.
Good news that you'll have time to communicate with INPUT before your clinic appointment.
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