Replacement pump - 640G

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
At long last, I have changed the Combo for a Medtronic 640G. So far, so good.

The only thing I don't like is the way the belt clip only allows a vertical orientation of the pump, which is rather uncomfortable when sitting down. I see on the Medtronic eshop that they have a belt case that holds the pump horizontally, but it is a bit pricey.
At long last, I have changed the Combo for a Medtronic 640G. So far, so good.

The only thing I don't like is the way the belt clip only allows a vertical orientation of the pump, which is rather uncomfortable when sitting down. I see on the Medtronic eshop that they have a belt case that holds the pump horizontally, but it is a bit pricey.
Seems a bit cheeky to instigate a problem and then charge through the nose for a solution! 😱 🙄 Hopefully, others will be along with less costly suggestions 🙂
How about a spibelt? They themselves are expensive, but cheap versions are available - mine cost £5 from mountain warehouse a few years ago. It can also be worn under the clothes (does the medtronic have a minimal handset on its meter? So you dont need to get at it to bolus, I mean) so makes it less obvious/more protected.
Thanks Annette. I think the spibelt might be a bit bulky for routine use, but you have given me an idea. Perhaps a small digital camera belt case might do the trick. The meter with the 640G does give very basic remote bolus capability, but you need to access the pump itself for the bolus wizard.
I also have what can only be described as a gothic mini toolbelt - its a belt with a couple of pockets on that is posh enough to be worn on show - pump goes in one pocket, glucose tabs in another! Basically I think you have to decide what you want it to do and then go find something that does that regardless of what its marketed to do!
Just fits straight into your pocket ? Advantage to blokes 🙂
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