Repeat basal tests

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Do people usually make adjustments to their basal after one test, or do you repeat it to see if the pattern repeats? I ask because I had to repeat a basal test following adjustments and times where I was stable the first time (before any adjustments) I had significant changes the second time. It's made me wonder whether if I was to repeat the same test without any tweaks I would get the same results.
I never do anything on one lot of evidence (well, when I'm hypo or higher than I want to be I do - nut you know what I mean!) - I certainly wouldn't change my basal based on one test. Although - you could do it as a TBR I spose if you can get it near enough, and see what happens?
I make a lot of use of TBRs to try out a change that I think I might need to make, but it is usually based on more than one set of evidence. There are so many variables that could impact on results that I tend to want another set of results with a few variables controlled before making changes. The TBRs are easy to set and then if they work I will adjust my rates accordingly.
That's an interesting idea. the way my basal tests are going at the moment I don't think I would be able to though: increase between Midnight and 2 am then decrease between 2 and 4 according to last night's experiment.
I can't face repeating it a third night though, I'm shattered!
I think I will ask the DSN if I can borrow a CGM!
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