Renewing px

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It's that time again when the gp withdraw all my px from the nhs app and i have to faff on getting them added again...only been told this time you have to do the process for each medication.
Not convinced this is correct info...
Everytime it happens i seem to be told there is a different process to follow.
Anyway, went to the gp and booked in for pharmacist call.
What a waste of everyone's time...
Not sure why they don't text with whats happening, why, and what i need to do....

Plus, can't help feeling that some people, eg those on perscriptions for mental health and those ambivilent about their medications, may just let it slide.
Not sure if you are aware but this isn't the case everywhere. My prescription list is never cleared and then items that I use reinstated. I do occasionally get a note on an item saying that a review is required before it can be requested again, but mostly a telephone call will sort it. I do get 6 monthly-ish reviews with the practice nurse and I assume that she authorises continued dispensing of repeat items. Nothing drops off the list if I don't request it for over 6 months or a year like I read others have problems with.
I believe my surgery has an automated process to remove items from a repeats script that has not been requested for the last year but they can mark items as "never remove".
I think there is also a (regulatory?) requirement for a medication review each year which makes sense for some conditions which change or where alternative medication may come available.
Whilst a GP must sign this off in my surgery, it usually happens without me noticing. In the past, I have seen note that something cannot be prescribed until a review has taken place but a quick phone call seems to make this happen.

It has never been the case that everything is removed from my script and I have never needed to attend a medication review.
On the other hand, my own medical condition is Type 1 diabetes and, at my surgery, they know they know very little about Type 1. So they are happy to keep the insulin, strips, CGM, etc that my endo clinic have determined.
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The thing is, it seems to be different every time. I'm like, whatever, just present the hoop, i'll jump through it, job done...and i phone and they deny the existance of the hoop.
Today they tried to tell me i'd have to phone to request every one of my px and the 'thing' would happen for each of them seperatly. Possibly. Though she wasn't clear what the 'thing' was. Possibly 'things'

I remonstrated, and got a call with the pharmacist booked. I think she just did it to get rid of me.

Luckily i'm like 3 months in hand on everything and dexcom doesn't go through the gps...but if you were a bit more of a last minute person you'd be stuffed.
The thing is, it seems to be different every time. I'm like, whatever, just present the hoop, i'll jump through it, job done...and i phone and they deny the existance of the hoop.
Today they tried to tell me i'd have to phone to request every one of my px and the 'thing' would happen for each of them seperatly. Possibly. Though she wasn't clear what the 'thing' was. Possibly 'things'

I remonstrated, and got a call with the pharmacist booked. I think she just did it to get rid of me.

Luckily i'm like 3 months in hand on everything and dexcom doesn't go through the gps...but if you were a bit more of a last minute person you'd be stuffed.
In the first year of my diagnosis, I had a number of issues with my prescription from my GP surgery. After a couple of major issues (e.g I requested Lantus and got NovoRapid), I wrote to the surgery manager to make them aware of the issues. The letter was pretty long as it included all the issues I had experienced and what my requirements were. This letter was factual and despite feelings, I had to put my emotions to one side.
I requested a meeting with the surgery manager which was granted. I received an apology at that meeting and a guarantee that they would change their processes for all patients with Type 1 diabetes.
I would not say my surgery has been totally flawless but the repeat prescription process is much better.
The problem was basically down to a lack of understanding of how we manage Type 1 diabetes and that it did not fit into their standard repeat prescription process.

Sorry, long winded way of saying that although my experience is not the same as yours, I emphasise and suggest explaining your issues to the surgery manager in writing. The pharmacist, receptionist, etc. are just cogs in the NHS machine who do not see the big picture.
The thing is, it seems to be different every time. I'm like, whatever, just present the hoop, i'll jump through it, job done...and i phone and they deny the existance of the hoop.
Today they tried to tell me i'd have to phone to request every one of my px and the 'thing' would happen for each of them seperatly. Possibly. Though she wasn't clear what the 'thing' was. Possibly 'things'

I remonstrated, and got a call with the pharmacist booked. I think she just did it to get rid of me.

Luckily i'm like 3 months in hand on everything and dexcom doesn't go through the gps...but if you were a bit more of a last minute person you'd be stuffed.

What a faff, never had to do anything like that, so frustrating for you.
I'm afraid my sarcasm is entirely wasted when addressing GP surgery and indeed all NHS receptionists who just do not comprehend comments like 'Since when has T1 diabetes been curable then?' when they wanted me to have a review specifically for insulin. And then the locum twerp of a Dr I saw, to whom I repeated my thoughts to told me it was entirely in her gift whether she agreed to continue my insulin or not. My thought at the time was Well, fair enough and also entirely in my own gift whether I decide to bother reporting you to the BMA for talking bollards to patients or not. But I just kept my gob shut, battles of wit against unarmed opponents etc. Stupid people in all walks of life unfortunately. Just didn't expect to find one wearing a hat that said Doctor on it.
Try talking to your PPG team and the Practice Manager?
Entirely within her gift to stop your insulin? Thats, like, a death threat.
What a prat.
@Tdm - me being me, my actual mental description of her was 'Stupid cow' but I do try to use slightly more polite phraseology on here! :rofl:
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