Renewing driving license


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi guys.

So end of November see’s my driving license due for renewal for the first time. (3 years)

I’m just after some advice regarding dates.

My annual consultation is on 14th November.

Do I wait for that consultation then use that date on the application, or do I just use last years date and get the application sent out right away.

Being self employed I cannot risk this going pear shaped.

Thanks guys
What date does it need renewed? If it’s before your annual consultation you need to do it. Unless you have had assisted hypos or your optician says you can’t drive or you can’t answer any of the health questions and need to ask your consultant, just apply as soon as they send the renewal. It will just renew on the date your last one expires, and so on and so on until you no longer need a drivers licence. I do mine on line and even during lockdown I got it back within a week. It’s a simple and easy process if there’s no problems.
No it’s due for renewal 26/11/24 but my annual consultation is 14/11/24 so I don’t know weather to wait till after that appointment but that would only leave 12 days for it all to get sorted there end?

No I don’t have eye probs or hypos etc I’m good as gold
If I remember correctly, as long as your last appointment was no more than 12 months ago, you do not have to wait.
Unfortunately, my "annual" reviews tend to be 15 to 18 months apart. On one occasion, I completed my renewal application 363 days after my last review.
My replacement has always arrived in good time but I still wouldn't leave it to the last minute and would get the application submitted asap.

The other thing to consider is the risk of your appointment on 14th November being cancelled.