Remote control and CGM?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I understand from my DSN that I am due to get a referral to the pump team at Bournemouth, although I don't know whether they will definitely fund me. Running ahead of the game I am thinking about which pump I'll get following my disappointment about the Cellnovo trial which is not now going ahead. I really like the idea of a remote control (I wear dresses!) but I also think CGM has to be possible (even to the extent of funding myself?) - am I right in thinking there are no pumps which fulfil both these criteria?
I understand from my DSN that I am due to get a referral to the pump team at Bournemouth, although I don't know whether they will definitely fund me. Running ahead of the game I am thinking about which pump I'll get following my disappointment about the Cellnovo trial which is not now going ahead. I really like the idea of a remote control (I wear dresses!) but I also think CGM has to be possible (even to the extent of funding myself?) - am I right in thinking there are no pumps which fulfil both these criteria?

Not sure but think the Medtronic veo can be used with both. But if you going to Bournmouth you wont get a choice of pump. I suspect it's the roche combo or nothing from them.
Medtronic do both. Have a look on web to see features 🙂
Everyone on this forum and t'other one I'm on, at BDEC, have the Roche.

If you want to object and have reasons, then you can do that, I should talk to INPUT about that. Incidentally it isn't BDEC who would fund your pump, it's the PCT that belongs to your GP surgery.
Medtronic do have a remote and CGM on the Veo, but the remote doesn't display the CGM data, so I find it pretty useless. You can only use it to bolus. I never bolus without looking at my CGM first, so the remote is of no use, I have to get the pump out.
Isn't it all rather a shame that you only get half the stuff that helps! I am getting less keen on the idea, I had really hoped I could possibly get both. I have wildly varying results and while I am usually sensitive enough to hypos, it's measuring the speed of dropping that would help with CGM, just like they measure process changes in chemical plants (factories) where my husband works, to prevent expensive mistakes. Outrage again, all down to cost.
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