Remission in 3 months :)

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all

i was diagnosed with type 2 in mid January with a hba1c of 72. It was a complete surprise to me that I was diabetic, but it gave me answers to why I was feeling so rubbish all of the time.
I was about 3 stones overweight and as well as prescribing 500mg of Metformin twice per day, my GP advised that I do a VLC diet of 800 calories each day, for a maximum of 12 weeks and recommended I read Dr Michael Mosley’s books, including the 12 week plan. I read the books and they helped me to understand the condition, but did not really fit in with the type of food that I enjoy. I managed to keep to 800 cals by cutting out sweet, sugary foods and dramatically cut down on carbs and have managed to lose 3 stones in 15 weeks. Ive increased my calorie intake now and Working hard to maintain my weight. the DB Nurse told me it’s a combination of the Metformin and my change of diet that has drastically reduced my hba1c to 31!
I have to say that I feel better than I have for a very long time and the benefits from the weight loss + Metformin has made a massive difference to my life.
I’m now in remission and intend to stay there, but would love to hear from those of you that are in the same boat and have managed to keep your blood sugar under control.
Hi all

i was diagnosed with type 2 in mid January with a hba1c of 72. It was a complete surprise to me that I was diabetic, but it gave me answers to why I was feeling so rubbish all of the time.
I was about 3 stones overweight and as well as prescribing 500mg of Metformin twice per day, my GP advised that I do a VLC diet of 800 calories each day, for a maximum of 12 weeks and recommended I read Dr Michael Mosley’s books, including the 12 week plan. I read the books and they helped me to understand the condition, but did not really fit in with the type of food that I enjoy. I managed to keep to 800 cals by cutting out sweet, sugary foods and dramatically cut down on carbs and have managed to lose 3 stones in 15 weeks. Ive increased my calorie intake now and Working hard to maintain my weight. the DB Nurse told me it’s a combination of the Metformin and my change of diet that has drastically reduced my hba1c to 31!
I have to say that I feel better than I have for a very long time and the benefits from the weight loss + Metformin has made a massive difference to my life.
I’m now in remission and intend to stay there, but would love to hear from those of you that are in the same boat and have managed to keep your blood sugar under control.
Hello and well done @Juliasusan, that’s an incredible achievement! I’ve done something similar (not as good though!) since last autumn losing several stone and seeing my HbA1c drop from 60 to 41 with a similar combination of meds and low carb/low calorie diet. I’m getting into a couple of shirts that I’ve not been able to fit into for years, and like you feel so much more fit and healthy. Your results are really amazing though, and in such a short period of time!
Hello and well done @Juliasusan, that’s an incredible achievement! I’ve done something similar (not as good though!) since last autumn losing several stone and seeing my HbA1c drop from 60 to 41 with a similar combination of meds and low carb/low calorie diet. I’m getting into a couple of shirts that I’ve not been able to fit into for years, and like you feel so much more fit and healthy. Your results are really amazing though, and in such a short period of time!
Thanks well done to you too
I have been in the non diabetic range for 5 years now after diagnosis in late 2016.
Eating a low carb diet seems to be the key for me, with no problems with controlling weight though I have not been able to get my Hba1c to reduce down into the 30s, I was at 42 and cut down the carbs by 10 gm per day and at the end of a year was still at 42. I don't bother to count the calories, my intake of carbs is controlled by habit and knowing that a pack of one thing has X servings and another Y.
These days I do eat more carbs a few times a year as I can cope with them, and it is for just one day except at Christmas, as we visit family on two consecutive days. I can't cope with over sweetened things though, they are not a treat at all now that I am not used to the 'normal' amounts of sugar or the equivalent in sweeteners.
Well done both of you. I'm not yet as low as either of you but am feeling quite pleased at having gone from 115 down to 50 since December.
That is a really good achievement, you must be so pleased with that reduction- and you might find there’s more to come! How have you done it? Is it diet and medication (like me) or just through diet and lifestyle changes. Brilliant news, well done!!
Hi all

i was diagnosed with type 2 in mid January with a hba1c of 72. It was a complete surprise to me that I was diabetic, but it gave me answers to why I was feeling so rubbish all of the time.
I was about 3 stones overweight and as well as prescribing 500mg of Metformin twice per day, my GP advised that I do a VLC diet of 800 calories each day, for a maximum of 12 weeks and recommended I read Dr Michael Mosley’s books, including the 12 week plan. I read the books and they helped me to understand the condition, but did not really fit in with the type of food that I enjoy. I managed to keep to 800 cals by cutting out sweet, sugary foods and dramatically cut down on carbs and have managed to lose 3 stones in 15 weeks. Ive increased my calorie intake now and Working hard to maintain my weight. the DB Nurse told me it’s a combination of the Metformin and my change of diet that has drastically reduced my hba1c to 31!
I have to say that I feel better than I have for a very long time and the benefits from the weight loss + Metformin has made a massive difference to my life.
I’m now in remission and intend to stay there, but would love to hear from those of you that are in the same boat and have managed to keep your blood sugar under control.

Some achievement well done.

Although not officially diagnosed type 2 my wife was told she was prediabetic after having bloods taken, she didn't go down 800cal route but did follow a low calorie diet & went on to lose 5 stone in total, took just over a year to do so but she got there just the same.

All bloods since have been normal, her last Hba1c couple of months back was 34, so think that losing that weight & hopefully removing visceral fat around organs was key to succeeding & turning things around.
Well done all of you! Gold stars all round!


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That is a really good achievement, you must be so pleased with that reduction- and you might find there’s more to come! How have you done it? Is it diet and medication (like me) or just through diet and lifestyle changes. Brilliant news, well done!!
It's been a combination of metformin, diet and exercise. I've never had a sweet tooth so there wasn't much sugar to cut out but I have cut portions of rice potatoes and pasta right down. I've also cut out beer and now have wine if I'm drinking.
I do want to get my levels down further and then look at reducing the metformin.
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